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dc.contributor.advisorخلادي يمينة-
dc.contributor.authorسعداوي, روبة-
dc.description.abstractتهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى دراسة العلاقة بين تقدير الذات وطبيعة إدراك المعاملة الوالدية لدى المراهق وتتمحور هذه الدراسة في إشكالية عامة تتمثل في : • هل توجد علاقة بين تقدير الذات لدى المراهق وطبيعة إدراكه للمعاملة الوالدية؟ وقد انبثقت منها أربع تساؤلات تم صياغتها كما يلي: -هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في تقدير الذات لدى المراهقين ذوي الإدراك الإيجابي للمعاملة الوالدية تعزى لمتغير الجنس؟ -هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في تقدير الذات لدى المراهقين ذوي الإدراك الإيجابي للمعاملة الوالدية تعزى لمتغير الترتيب بين الاخوة؟. - هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في تقدير الذات لدى المراهقين ذوي الإدراك السلبي للمعاملة الوالدية تعزى لمتغير الجنس.؟ -هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في تقدير الذات لدى المراهقين ذوي الإدراك السلبي للمعاملة الوالدية تعزى لمتغير الترتيب بين الإخوة.؟ وللاجابة على هذه التساؤلات تم تبني فرضيات موجبة ،حيث افترضت الدراسة وجود علاقة بين تقدير الذات وطبيعة ادراك المعاملة الوالدية، كما افترضت وجود فروق في تقدير الذات سواءا لدى المراهقين ذوي الادراك الايجابي أو السلبي باختلاف الجنس، الترتيب الميلادي.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to identify the relationship between the self and the nature of perception parental treatment of the teenagers and the problematic of this study is: -Is there any relationship between the appreciation of the self appreciation of the teenager and the nature of perception parental treatment? From this problematic there are other questions: -Is there any differences that has a statistical significance on teenagers that they have a positive perception of parental treatment due to the variablesex? -Is there any differences that has a statistical significance on teenagers that they have a positive perception of parental treatment due to variable arrangement between brothers?Is there any differences that has a statistical significance on teenagers that they have a negative perception of parental treatment due to the variable sex? -Is there any differences that has a statistical significance on teenagers that they have a negative perception of parental treatment due to variable arrangement between brothers?In order to answer these questions is to adopt a positive hypotheses, where I assumed Aldrashugod relationship between self-esteem and awareness of the nature of parental treatment, also assumed the existence of differences in Almatsuwaoua-esteem of adolescents with cognitive negative Alaijaaoo according to sex, ranking AD.In this study we attempt to use the discretional method and the study is made about a sample which are 131 student from high school and a girl student thatwas chosen randomly and we apply two tools of data collection in terms of Perception Parental Treatment by Dr Khaladi Yamina and The Self Appreciation by the researcher Nadia Krid and to treat and analyze the data collection we use the statistical styles:For the general hypothesis we use Pearson Correlation Cofficient.For the first partial hypothesis we use the test C.For the second partial hypothesis we use ANOVA test.For the third partial hypothesis we use the test C.For the partial hypothesis weuse ANOVA test.After analyzing the results we obtain the following results: There is a relation between self appreciation of teenagers and the nature of perception of parental treatment.There are no differences that has a statistical significance of self appreciation on teenagers that they have a positive perception of parental treatment due to the variable sex.There are no differences that has a statistical significance of self appreciation on teenagers that they have a positive perception of parental treatment due to variable arrangement between brothers.There are no differences that has a statistical significance of self appreciation on teenagers that they have a negative perception of parental treatment due to variable arrangement between brothers.It concluded submit proposals geared to parents and professionals in the field.-
dc.subjectتقدير الذاتen_US
dc.subjectالمعاملة الوالديةen_US
dc.titleتقدير الذات لدى المراهق وعلاقته بطبيعة إدراكه للمعاملة الوالدية دراسة ميدانية ببعض ثانويات مدينة ورقلةen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de psychologie et sciences de l'éducation - Master

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