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dc.contributor.advisorDjamel BOUTOUTAOU-
dc.contributor.authorHouari, ZEGGANE-
dc.descriptionConstructions hydrauliques et aménagementsen_US
dc.description.abstractLe régime des cours d'eau est conditionné par le relief et par le climat. Les apports et le comportement hydrologiques des cours d’eau sont la résultante de l’interaction complexe des facteurs climatiques et physiographiques. Le bassin versant de l'Oued Isser, des études ont été proposées afin de cerner l’aspect pluviométrique en étudiant la variabilité spatio- temporelle et une analyse fréquentielle des pluies maximales fréquentielles journalières annuelles, l’écoulement ont été traité dans travail couronné par des études des hydrogrammes de crue. Enfin le transport solide et l’envasement des barrages où, on a établi un modèle de calcul de l’érosionen_US
dc.description.abstractThe river system is conditioned by the relief and climate. The contributions and the hydrological behavior of rivers are the result of the complex interaction of climatic and physiographic factors. The watershed of Oued Isser, subject of this study.the study focuses on the spatial variability of average monthly precipitation through response patterns from seventy weather stations, which highlighted two synthetic variables that explain the variability of precipitation. In the second stage, a temporal study of annual rainfall series from 11 weather stations through trends, ruptures and a standardized precipitation index showed a trend towards precipitation decrease over the whole study area with an average of 20% , also in this working party we proposed a working methodology for the development of a model calculation of the frequency flow in the absence of flow data and a model of the distribution of the flow over time. In the Mediterranean region, the specifisity of erosion stems from a particularly contrasted climate, drought, and from summer and autumn severe thunderstorms. The adopted approach aims to establish regression models in order to highlight the relationship between solid and liquid flows at four measurement stations in the Isser catchement area, northern Ageria.The annual mean solid matter transport for the whole basin is about 2 200 .year-1-
dc.subjectvariabilité précipitationsen_US
dc.subjecttransport solideen_US
dc.subjecttransport solideen_US
dc.subjectspatial variabililty of precipitation-
dc.subjectspecific erosion-
dc.titleÉtude de comportement hydrologique des cours d’eau en Algérie, cas du bassin versant Isser, Algérieen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de Hydraulique et Génie Civil - Doctorat

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