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dc.contributor.advisorرحماني زھور-
dc.contributor.authorكربيع, لطيفة-
dc.descriptionكـیمیاء مطبقــة-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of our work is to determine the antioxidant activity of some 1,2-dithiole-3thione and phenolic compound in vitro. The dithiolethiones are sulfur heterocycles that are known by their antioxidant capacity and lower solubility in aqueous phase. Howerover, the polyphenols are known of compounds which have hydroxylic group fixed at ring benzenic and have high solubility in aqueous phase a general. We Can determine the capacity of the inhibition for this compound by 5 tests: The reduction of ferric ion shows that the BHT is the best inhibitor with AEAC= 8.701 mM. The activity of chelation of the ion Fe +2 shows that the tannic acid is the best chelator with CI50 = 0.12 mM . The inhibition of the OH . shows that the vitamin C has lower concentration at the percent of 50 % of inhibition ( . has proved that the compound dithiolic C1 is the best inhibitor with CI = 0.059 mM. Another test for scavenging activity is inhibition of the anion super oxide O 50 that shows the phenolic compound “V.C” which has high percent of scavenging reach 68.11%. Finally, we have found a relation of correlation of some compounds between the results of the different test with correlation coefficient R 2 betweenen_US
dc.publisherجامعـــة قاصــــدي مربـــاح ورقلــــة-
dc.subjectdithiolethiones, antioxidant activity, polyphenols, chelation.en_US
dc.titleالتقدير المخبري للنشاطية المضادة للاكسدة و الجذور الحرة لبعض مركبات الثنائي ثيول الحلقي و الفينوليةen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de chimie - Master

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