Volume 2, Numéro 1 2016 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Contribution of insurance sector to growth of the national economyمصعب بالي; مسعود صديقي
2016Algerian accounting practices under a financial accounting system Needs and challengesفريد عوينات
2016Evaluation Alternatives Accounting Measurement in light Application of the financial accounting system Field study for a sample of academics and professionals -The case of Algeria in 2015هشام شلغام; بوعلام بن زخروفة
2016Study and analysis of the influences of the profits distribution policy on stocks exchange performance of the companies listed on the Financial Market - case of Dubai Financial Market 2011-2014-رشيد حفصي
2016Evaluation of Cash-flow Information Relevance in Financial Failure Forecasting: A case study of some Algerian firms during the period (2003 – 2010)خيرالدين قريشي; محمد جموعي قريشي
2016The impact of financial crisis on the return and the risk of international portfolio: case of developed and the emerging stock exchangesراضية كروش; غالية مليك; عبد الغني دادن
2016The reality of the foundations and rules of preparation of the consolidated financal statements application in in the National Company of wells Servicesالطيب مداني
2016Outlook for adoption of the international public sector accounting standards and its role in the development of the Algerian public accounting systemخبيطي خضير; مونه يونس
2016The role of statistical information in the management decisions of the institutionبوخاري عبد الحميد
2016Study the efficiency of the financial markets for the euro area Dax.Cac40.Ftse.Athen case study indicatorsيوسف خروبي; يوسف حميدي
2016The Reality of Human resource Information System applications in Algerian’s Economic Enterprisesبشير بن شويحة
2016Lobbying on the international financial Reporting Standards: The case of IFRS (09) Financial Instrumentمقدم خالد
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12