numéro 17 2017 Arabic sec Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The Performance of the Exchange Rate Regime in the Maghreb Countries and the Possibility of Adopting Free Float - Econometric Study (1990-2016) -لحسن جديدن
2017The extent of commitment by the algerian stock exchange listed companies of accounting disclosure requirements during the period (2014-2015)أمينة فداوي
2017Material and Moral Incentives and their Impact on the Performance of Employees - An Empirical Study on Private Hospitals in the Capital Amman -حسن صالح القضاة
2017The Impact of Participation in Global Value Chains on Human Development in Developing Countries - Econometric Study of a Group of Emerging Economies for the Period (1995-2014) –عقبة عبد اللاوي; سميحة جديدي; سعاد جرمون
2017The Effect of Investor’s Sentimentality Biases on Share Returns and its Conditional Volatilities - D&J Case –عبد الرحمان بن سانية; صلاح الدين نعاس; علي بن الضب
2017Determinants of Economic Growth in Algeria Over the Long Term for the Period Between (1970-2013)عبد العزيز نعوم
2017Effect of Islamic Rules Governing Financial Transactions in the Performance of Jordanian Islamic Banksحيدر محمد علي بني عطا
2017The Effect of Using the Fair Value on the Rationalization of the Decision to Invest in Securities - Empirical Study on the Casablanca Market During the Period (2000-2014) –مريم بالاطرش; عبد الغفور دادن; عبد الوهاب دادن
2017Evaluation of Estimation of Public Transactions Specifications Needs - Case Study of Ouargla University Services in 2013 -فريد بن ختو; رشيد مناصرية
2017Explanation of Stock Price Behavior - The State of the New York Stock Exchange for the Period From 1961 to 2014 –غالية مليك; هواري سويسي
2017The Impact of Export Orientation to Developing Countries Markets on Export Diversification - Applied Study on a Sample of Emerging and Developing Economies (1995-2013) -محمد يعقوبي
2017The Impact of Information Technology and Communication on Administrative Development in Government Institutions in Sudan - A Case Study on a Governmental Institution in the State of Khartoum, Sudan -إبراهيم عبد السلام
2017The Obstacles Affecting The Use of Balanced Scorecard - A Field Study in Jordanian Commercial Banks -سارة عزايزية; عمر جنينة; شوقي جدي
2017Econometric Study of the Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Algeria During the Period (1970-2014)رشيد سالمي; محمد رتيعة
2017Human Capital and Economic Growth in ARAB Countries - An Empirical Investigation by Using Dynamic Panel Data Models During the Period (1990-2014) -موراد تهتان; عمران بشراير
2017The Impact of Organizational Culture on the Organizational Loyalty of the Nursery Staff Workers in the Public Health Enterprises in the State of Ain Deflaمحمد خثير; محمد زبير; حكيم بن جروة
2017Production and Investment Functions Between Interest Rate and Profit; The Choice of Appropriate Financing Model; Cases of Algeria & Malaysia (2000-2014)رفيق غــــدار
2017Analysis of the Beveridge Relationship and its Projection on the Algerian Economy - An Econometric Study for the Period (1990 -2015) -وهيبة فراحي; عبد الكريم البشير
2017Determinants of Domestic Saving in the Algerian Economy - An Econometric Study During the Period (1970-2015) -أحمـد سلامـي; عبد الحق بن تفات; عبد الرزاق مولاي لخضر
2017A Comparative Study of ARFIMA and Artificial Neural Networks to Forecast Exchange Rate of Dinar Algerianحادة مدوري; محمد مكيديش
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37