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dc.contributor.advisorZerrouki, Ali Ahmed-
dc.contributor.authorDjeghmoume, Yacine-
dc.contributor.authorBennacer Adel-
dc.contributor.authorBakhaled, Ahmed tidjani-
dc.descriptionUNIVERSITE KASDI MERBAH OUARGLA Faculté des Hydrocarbures, des Energies Renouvelable, des Sciences de la Terre etl'Univers Département de Production des Hydrocarbures Mémoire de fin d’étude En vue de l’obtention du diplôme Master Académique Domaine : Sciences et Technologie Filière : Génie Pétrolière Spécialité : Production - Académiqueen_US
dc.description.abstractThis Memory of end of studies, who relate to the study of the retrograde simulation of condensation in the compact tanks naturally fractured after having characterized them and optimisaitlor production. .The naturally fractured tanks (RNF) present broad ranges of characteristics geological and of the complex mechanisms of flow between the matrix and the fractures.en_US
dc.subjectTight tank,en_US
dc.subjectnonconventional Tank,en_US
dc.subjectconventional Tank,en_US
dc.subjectwell test,en_US
dc.subjectanalyzes nodalen_US
dc.subjectModeling and optimization.en_US
dc.titleCaractérisation des réservoirs compacts naturellement fissurés et optimisation des puits : Cas de Quartzites Hamra (Champs de Rhourde Nouss)en_US
Appears in Collections:Département de production des hydrocarbures- Master

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