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dc.contributor.authorBOUGUERRA, NASSER-
dc.contributor.authorBOUGUERRA, ZOHIR-
dc.contributor.authorBERREGUI, ABDALLAH-
dc.contributor.authorMELOUAH, Oualid-
dc.descriptionUNIVERSITE KASDI MERBAH – OUARGLA FACULTÉ DES HYDROCARBURES, DES ÉNERGIES RENOUVELABLES ET DES SCIENCES DE LA TERRE ET DE L’UNIVERS DEPARTEMENT DES SCIENCES DE LA TERRE ET DE L’UNIVERSONO Mémoire de Master professionnel Domaine : Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers Filière : Géologie Spécialité : Géologie des hydrocarburesen_US
dc.description.abstractThe various exploration works at the Hamra Quartzite reservoir in the field of Hassi Guettar reveal the existence of an exploitable hydrocarbon potential in certain levels. (Cambrian and Ordovician) The Quartzite reservoir Ordovician Hamra is among the main reservoirs of the basins of OuedMya, Amguid Messaoud. The description of cores from some wells and Hassi Guettar The lithological studies and interpretation of the cracking reservoir imaging Hamra Quartzite in this region. Training of Hamra Quartzite, this is generally regarded as homogeneous and compact. essentially of quartz grains was associated with some heavy resistant minerals. Have allows highlighting the petrophysical parameters of the reservoir are generally low, defining a compact tank. This resulted in low values of porosity varies between 5 to 9%, and permeability varies between 2 md and 4md.en_US
dc.subjectQuartzite the Hamraen_US
dc.subjectpetrophysical parameters (porosity and permeabilityen_US
dc.subjectwater saturationen_US
dc.subjecthassi guettaren_US
dc.subjectcarott fracturingen_US
dc.subject, structuralen_US
dc.titleEtude pétrophysique sur carotte de quartzite Hamra et l’impact de fracturation sur les paramètres pétrophysique du champ Hassi Guettaren_US
Appears in Collections:4. Faculté des Hydrocarbures, des Energies Renouvelables, des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers

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