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dc.contributor.authorAbdelli, Djaoued-
dc.contributor.authorAssas, Sahaoui-
dc.contributor.authorToumi, Nabile-
dc.descriptionUniversité KasdiMerbahOuargla Faculté des hydrocarbures et les énergies renouvelables et science de la terre et de l’univers Département De Forage Et Mécanique Des Chantiers Pétroliers Mémoire MASTER PROFESSIONNEL Filière : Hydrocarbure Spécialité : Mécanique Des chantiers pétrolieren_US
dc.description.abstractOur study is based essentially on the difference between the turbines and the PDM on well drilled in 2010 and 2018, to realize this study we devised our work on two part, the first part we will see the difference between them in general as the composition the flow ...... And in the second part we made a real study on 4 wells (MDz595, OMLz87, MDz720, OMLZ45) on different geological formation. So we have selected 4 parameters to identify this difference, at the beginning we will study the speed of progress and the failures on the wells drilled in 2010 and the wells drilled 2018 to see if there is a development on it is engine and the other two analyzes the price of meter and the speed of the mud used on them, will study it on the wells drilled in 2010en_US
dc.titleEtude évaluative entre deux moteur de fond turbine et PDM(Hpen_US
Appears in Collections:4. Faculté des Hydrocarbures, des Energies Renouvelables, des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers

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