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dc.contributor.advisorبورويسة, زينة-
dc.contributor.authorبشراير, وجدان-
dc.descriptionالتخصص: لسانيات تطبيقيةen_US
dc.description.abstractتعد قضية التواصل وقدرة الإنسان على النطق من أسمى ما يتميز بهعن بقية الكائنات الأخرى، فبواسطة هذه القدرة ينقل معلوماته وخبراته ويعبر عن حاجياته للوصول إلى مبتغاه. إضافة إلى كون الكلام وسيلة اتصال بين الفرد وغيره فإن له علاقة بالعمليات العقلية والفكرية والسلوكية. لهذا تهدف هذه الدراسة للتطرق للاضطرابات النطقية ذات المنشأ العصبي التي قد تصيب الفرد وتحول بينه وبين النطق الصحيح للصوت اللغوي، والتعرف على مختلف العمليات العقلية التي تطرأ على اللغة وكيفية معالجتها والمناطق العصبية المسؤولة عن ذلك بدءا من استقبالها إلى غاية التلفظ بها على شكل كلام منطوق. الكلمات المفتاحية: النطق، الاضطرابات النطقية، اللسانيات العصبية، المراكز العصبية، المعالجة اللغوية العصبية.en_US
dc.description.abstractLa question de la communication humaine et de sa capacité à parler est l’une des choses les plus élevées qui distinguent l’homme du reste des autres êtres,grâce à cette capacité, il transmet ses informations et ses expériences et exprime ses besoins pour atteindre son désir. En plus d’être un moyen de communication entre l’individu et les autres, la parole est liée à des processus mentaux, intellectuels et comportementaux. Par conséquent, cette étude vise à aborder les troubles de la parole d’origine neurologique qui peuvent affecter l’individu et l’empêcher de prononcer correctement le son linguistique, et à identifier les différents processus mentaux qui se produisent dans la langue et comment les traiter et les zones neuronales responsables de cela, en commençant par le recevoir jusqu’à le prononcer sous forme de discours parlé. Mots clés : prononciation, troubles de la parole, neurolinguistique, centres nerveux, traitement neurolinguistique-
dc.description.abstractThe question of humane communication and the ability to speak is one of the highest things that distinguish man frome the reste of other beings, thanks to this ability he transmits his information and expériences and expresses his needs to achieve his desire. As well as being a means of communication between the individual and others, speech is linked to mental, intellectual and behavioural processes. Consequently, this study aims to address neurologically-induced speech disorders that can affect the individual and prevent him or her frome pronouncing the linguistic sound correctly, and to identify the diffèrent mental processes that occur in language and how to process them and the neural areas responsible for this, frome receiving it to pronouncing it in the forme of spoken. The question of humane communication and the ability to speak is one of the highest things that distinguish man frome the reste of other beings, thanks to this ability he transmits his information and expériences and expresses his needs to achieve his desire. As well as being a means of communication between the individual and others, speech is linked to mental, intellectual and behavioural processes. Consequently, this study aims to address neurologically-induced speech disorders that can affect the individual and prevent him or her frome pronouncing the linguistic sound correctly, and to identify the diffèrent mental processes that occur in language and how to process them and the neural areas responsible for this, frome receiving it to pronouncing it in the forme of spoken. The question of humane communication and the ability to speak is one of the highest things that distinguish man frome the reste of other beings, thanks to this ability he transmits his information and expériences and expresses his needs to achieve his desire. As well as being a means of communication between the individual and others, speech is linked to mental, intellectual and behavioural processes. Consequently, this study aims to address neurologically-induced speech disorders that can affect the individual and prevent him or her frome pronouncing the linguistic sound correctly, and to identify the diffèrent mental processes that occur in language and how to process them and the neural areas responsible for this, frome receiving it to pronouncing it in the forme of spoken.-
dc.publisheruniversite kasdi merbah ouarglaen_US
dc.subjectالاضطرابات النطقيةen_US
dc.subjectاللسانيات العصبيةen_US
dc.subjectالمراكز العصبيةen_US
dc.subjectالمعالجة اللغوية العصبيةen_US
dc.subjecttroubles de la paroleen_US
dc.subjectcentres nerveuxen_US
dc.subjecttraitement neurolinguistiqueen_US
dc.subjectspeech disordersen_US
dc.subjectnerve centersen_US
dc.subjectneurolinguistic processingen_US
dc.titleالاضطرابات النطقية من منظور اللسانيات العصبيةen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de Langue Arabe - Master

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