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dc.contributor.advisorMECIBEH ,ILYES-
dc.contributor.authorBADI ,Rabie-
dc.contributor.authorLARIBI ,Walid-
dc.description.abstractThe field of Hassi-Messaoud, with its area 2500 km² and hydrocarbon reserves in the Combro-Ordovician reservoirs, is considarated as one of the largest in the word. It look a wide anticline dome oriented North North East-South South west and located in the central part of the Triasic Basin, at almost 850 km South South East of Algeria and 350 km from the border of Tunisia. The Cambrian deposits are the R3, R2, Ra and Ri, reservoirs made of splited quartzites that are eroded under the hercynian un corformity. The seal is done by the thick Triasic deposits, these sandstone reservoirs are characterized by an extreme heterogenous petrophysics proprieties, that is the reason of the variation of the production from one zone to another and from one well to another. These last decades great programs of development have been drawn to produce more oil, among these programs is the Midium Radius which is taking an important part. This study is a part of the exploration of this dynamic new field of hmd and exactely when applied to the well mdz 661, Which is centered around the following objectives A superficial study on the field of hassi massoud, Adrressed to the study of the horizontal drilling operations and there applications, Their équipments, Knowing the Midium Radius dynamic, Its positives and negatives. And finally controlling the trajectory of the hole and different steps that is must used to make a horizontal drilling with this dynamic from top hole to the targeten_US
dc.subjectMedium Radiusen_US
dc.subjectMDZ # 661en_US
dc.titleContrôle et suivi de la Trajectoire du Forage Horizontal En Medium Radius, Application sur le puits MDZ # 661en_US
Appears in Collections:Département des Energies Renouvelables - Master

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