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dc.contributor.authorعصام بن الشيخ-
dc.identifier.issn1112- 9808-
dc.descriptionCahiers de Politique et de Droiten_US
dc.description.abstractAlgerian women get a chance to parliamentary representation, the evolution of performance and quality ofthe Algerianparliamentary institutioninallrespects,and to measurethe success ofthe integration ofwomen parliamentariansin allroles and functionsoffered by theparliamentaryrole ofa member ofthe levels(of) parliament, ofthe functions: legislation, oversight, accountability, questioningexecutive branchofficials, contribute to theadoption ofthe general budget, to participate inthe formation ofparliamentary committeesand meetingsand deliberations..andother legislativeandparliamentaryimportantrepresentational functions, which allowthe addition ofthe ideasand contributions ofwomen'sparliamentarygrouptothe overallparliamentary vision. Occupation ofAlgerian womenhas allowedfor thisposition inthe legislative institution, filledtheseatparliamentaryrepresentationthroughoutthe parliamentarytrust, I got him on theexperienceand qualification oflegalhighlevelon theparliamentfloor, and requirements, and clausesemployedin the implementation ofparliamentarycommitmentsto women, pledgesthat are part ofthe rulingparty politics, winnerin the legislative elections. ParliamentAlgeriandemandsthe integration oftwo approachesare important, the firstconcerning the application ofthe concept ofparticipatory democracythat will allowfacilitating thepolitical participation of womenasa general frameworkfor the reform ofthe shortcomings ofrepresentative democracyindirectone hand, andmistakesin thedenial of women'spolitical rights, and the application ofgender approach, to ensure thatwomen have access tothe samethe rights and dutiesofa member ofthe Parliamentaryavailableon an equal footing, without any discrimination on grounds ofsex, race, ethnic or politicalor ideologicalaffiliation..and others.Therefore,ParliamentAlgerianobliged to respectinternational lawson women's rights, which is seekingto reach aninvestigationenablewomanlyPerfect, reflectingremedysocietybetween the sexes, especially sinceAlgeriain the internationalwomen's rightsconventionssuch as the ConventionCEDAWmember(the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminationagainst Women) andcommitted to implementingits obligations towhat was issued bythe UnitedNations Conference, held in Beijingin 1995on women, by sendingperiodic reportsto theUNaccountable. Recent politicalreformsinAlgeriahave helpedafter theApril, 2011, toensure that there isa parliamentarydeveloprealafterhe knewthe formation ofthe LowerChamber ofthe lastParliament, postrecordAlgerianwoman whojumpedrepresentationof7 percentto theratio of31 percent, and the success ofthe legislativebenefitsinMay 2012in the formation ofAlgeria's newparliamentcommittedshare/quotaof 30reserved for womenpercent, as knownrepresentation ofthe National People'sCouncil and theexistence ofparticipation of womenup toone-third ofthe room,theparliamentariansbelongingtodifferentpolitical spectrumofthe pro-governmentandopposition and independentparties,women, andmade availableto themall,to participate in allthe activities oftheCouncil, and to demonstratetheir ability toparticipatecolleaguesparliamentariansmen, inthe functions ofaccountabilityand interrogationandattendthe deliberations anddiscuss variousissues, first and foremost, the quality ofthe legislative institution, and the contribution ofAlgerian womenin the legislation. Parliament, legislation, oversight, accountability, interrogation, gender, participatory democracy, the quality ofthe parliament, the empowerment of women, dedicatedto womenparliamentary seat, the quota, the two chamberssystem, the National People's Assembly, the National Assembly, Algeria.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesnuméro 12 2015 Dafatir;-
dc.subjectجودة أداء المؤسسة التشريعيةen_US
dc.subjectتمكين المرأةen_US
dc.titleجودة أداء المؤسسة التشريعية من خلال تمكين المرأة سياسيا – حالة الجزائر -en_US
Appears in Collections:numéro 12 2015 Dafatir

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