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Title: The effectiveness of good governance policies in reducing corruption in Algeria
Authors: عبد الرزاق مولاي لخضر
بوزيد السايح
Keywords: Corruption
Good governance
Institutional reforms
Issue Date: 11-Feb-2018
Series/Report no.: Number 07 Dec 2017;
Abstract: This article study the different mechanisms of the relationship between good governance and corruption in Algeria for period 2003-2016, the different strategies and reforms undertaken to raise the level of growth are discussed . The study therefore, tries to identify and analyse the reality of corruption in order to activate its important role as a basic tool in directing the social and economic policies as the reduction of corruption and implementing associative democracy. The article has argued that despite the many efforts that Algeria spent is stengh teuing good governance and com bating corruption in the aim of improving development, there is still a lot to be done in the domain of good governance and corruption as the best way to face the actual chaleuges to development.
Description: Algerian Review of Economic Development ( ARED )
ISSN: 5302/2392
Appears in Collections:Number 07 Dec 2017

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