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Title: السلطات الحكومية الاتحادية والحكومات المحلية في العراق تقاسم المسؤوليات بين الإطار الدستوري والواقع التطبيقي
Authors: خضر عباس عطوان
أحمد عبد الله الناهي
Keywords: Federal Government
Local Government
Constitutional Framework
Iraqi Governorates
Issue Date: Jan-2019
Series/Report no.: volume 2 numéro 1 2019;
Abstract: Summary: The search: (Federal and local governmentauthorities) went to analyze: the nature of the relationshipbetween the authorities, at the federal and provincial levels, and shows the distribution of the burden, powers and discrepanciesbetween the constitutionaltext, the practical reality and the possibility of correcting the relationship. , Whichachievestwo goals: development, and national reconciliation, Whichemerged as major crises, after 2003.
Description: Revue TAHAWULAT
ISSN: 2602-6538
Appears in Collections:volume 2 numéro 1 2019

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