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Title: Psychoanalytical Approach of the Infertility, which is not medically explained: A case study based on two projective tests (Rorschach and TAT)
Authors: Ikardouchene Bali Zahia
Ait Mouloud Yasmina
Keywords: Psychoanalysis
Psychopathological Functioning
Issue Date: Sep-2018
Series/Report no.: numéro 35 SSH B;
Abstract: This study aims, from the psychoanalytic dynamic approach, to understand the psychopathological functioning of sterile women. We have tried to deepen, the explanation of the psychogenic sterility, from a rather important research group, which will follow our results already published in previous publications, on the psychopathological organizations underlying psychogenic sterility. This is a clinical study based on the case study. The research group is made up of 32 sterile women. The means used are: clinical interview and projective techniques (TAT and Rorschach). The analysis of the data shows the fragility of psychic functioning in sterile women; marked by a lack of flexibility in defensive elaborations; but above all it confirmed that behind the symptom of infertility lies a story specific to each woman and a suffering that can only be expressed in a particular context of the clinic
Description: Revue des Sciences Sociales et Humaines
ISSN: 2170-1121
Appears in Collections:numéro 35 SSH B V10 N4 2018

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