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Title: Authority practices between bureaucratic organization and strategic behavior in light of the approaches of max weber and michel crozier
Authors: صالي إسماعيل
عبد العزيز زواتيني
Keywords: Strategic behavior
bureaucratic organization
authority practices
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2021
Series/Report no.: numéro 46 SSH V13 N2 2021;
Abstract: The article aims to analyze the duality of outhority for the network of relationships in work organizations through the practices that take place within the laws and regulation lits in the one hand and the strategic behaviour on the other hand resulting in a set of burdens that leaders or actors at the highest levels of the organizational hierarcty face and confront considering it a reciprocal relationship between the superior and the subordinate. In the light of the german max weber two approaches about the ideal model of bureaucratic, wich includes positive aspacts aimed at achieving rationality and it is based on strict laws , rules and procedures. Also, it includes negative aspects represented in the quality of abstraction and the difficulty of bringing it to reality was a starting poist for the criticism of many theorists, such as mechal crozier the french tho fromulated the theory of strategic analysis which concerned how to build collective actions through understanding and analyzing the behaviour of individuals in various work situations and the mentality that the actor thinks about in exceeding or discouraging the decisions of the actors at the levels of the organisational authority to achieve his goals and personal interests as the success or failure of the organisation authority to achieve his goals and personal interests as the success or failur of the organisation depends on the level of acceptance or rejection of the organisational values of the actors whether they are superiors or subordinates.
Description: Revue des Sciences Sociales et Humaines
ISSN: 2170-1121
Appears in Collections:numéro 46 SSH V13 N2 2021A

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