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Title: Cryptography algorithm based on rotating view and genetic algorithm
Authors: Kaouthar, Souigat
Saliha, Hadji
Adel, Zga
Keywords: Rivest Cipher 4, Least Significant Bit Algorithm, Direct Image Projection, Genetic Algorithm, Fitness Function
Rivest Cipher 4, Algorithme de Bit le Moins Significatif, Projection d'Image Directe, Algorithme Génétique, Fonction de Fitness
خوارزمية البت الأقل أهمية، إسقاط مباشر للصورة، الخوارزمية الجينية، وظيفة اللياقة،)RC4( ريفست شيفر 4
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Encryption has been a form of secure communication for decades, and with the development of human civilization, the demand for developing new forms of encryption is necessary to ensure the security of communications. The encryption algorithm is a technology for converting data transferred from a readable form to an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized access while ensuring the preservation of what the data is. We specialized in this research in ways to encrypt images, so we presented several algorithms to carry out the operation, among which are the ones that are already in place: RC4 that is used in any secured wired equivalent privacy network (WEP), Under a common key[80], And LSB Which is used in the technique of hiding information in an image, and to improve and make it usable for image encryption, we proposed a new algorithm based on the projection, the idea of this method is to consider the position where each pixel is projected in a new image. This position is defined by the intersection of the light beam of the pixel and the image to be considered according to the virtual position of the observer, by a certain angle and distance. In order to improve the algorithm more and make it less susceptible to fracture, we decided to develop this algorithm through hybridization between the projection algorithm and Genetic Algorithm, That is based on merging and transferring, we implemented the latter in two forms, the first by calculating fitness and the second without calculating it. This algorithm provides safer image encryption, minimum data loss, maximum speed and maximum distortion in encryption.
Appears in Collections:Département d'Electronique et des Télécommunications - Master

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