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Title: المعالجةالإعلاميةلقضاياالمرأة في القنوات الفضائيةالخاصة دراسةوصفيةتحليليةلعينةمنبرنامج"هيوبس"في قناةCBC المصرية لسنة 2022
Authors: جيتي, نادية
صحراوي, لمياء
بدة سعداني, نرمين
Keywords: قضاياالمراءة
المعالجة الاعلامية
قناة CBCالمصرية
تحليل المضمون
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: univ-ouargla
Abstract: تهدفهذهالدراسةإلىالكشفعنكيفيةمعالجةقناةCBCلقضاياالمرأةامنخلالبرنامجهيوبس " فيالفترةالممتدةمن 04 مارس2022وقدانطلقتهذه‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬الدراسةمنالتساؤلالرئيسيالمتمثلفي: - كيفعالجتقناةCBCقضاياالمرأة منخلالبرنامجهيوبس" ؟ وقداعتمدتالباحثةفيهذهالدراسةإلىاستمارةتحليلالمضمونكأداةلجمعالبياناتلتحليل(4)عدداوالتيتماختيارهابطريقةعينةالعشوائيةالمنتظمةحيثقسمتالىاثنين: فئاتالشكل،وهيالفئاتمنالبياناتالتيتجيبعنالسؤالكيفقيل؟وفئاتالمضمون،وهيالفئاتمنالبياناتالتيتجيبعنالسؤال،ماذاقيل؟ وقدتوصلتالباحثةإلىمجموعةمنالنتائجأهمها: - كانتنسبةمعالجةقضاياالمرأةالعربيةفيبرنامج "هيوبس"،نسبةتفوقالنصفحيثركزعلىأهمالقضاياالأبرزفيمجتمعاتناكالعنف،العمل،الزواجالمبكر... إلخ. - الحديثالمباشر هوأكثرالأنواعالصحفيةاستخدامافيبرنامج "هيوبس "،منخلالعرضقضاياالمرأة بإبرازمختلفالتفاصيلحولها. _المواضيعالاجتماعيةهيالأكثرتناولافيبرنامج "هيوبس " حيثأصبحنجاحهاهوأحدأهمالقضاياالتيتهمالمرأة،وتطرحأغلبهذهالقضاياداخلأستوديوالبرنامجوالتييكونالهدفمنهاالكشفعنحقائقمعينة. - يعتمدالبرنامجعلىمواقعالتواصلالاجتماعيكمصدرفيتغطيةقضاياالمرأةخاصةوأنهاأصبحتتؤديدوراهامافيتزويدالجمهوربمختلفالمعلوماتالآنية. - اعتمدالبرنامجعلىالإستمالاتالعقلية كأسلوبإقناعيفيطرحقضاياالمستخدمة. منخلالالنتائجالفرعيةالسابقةالذكرنستنتجأن: معالجةقناةCBC لقضاياالمرأة كانتموفقةإلىحدما،حيثأنهاسلطتالضوءعلىأهمالقضايامنخلالبرنامج "هيوبس ".
This study aims to reveal how CBC channel deals with women’s issues through the “HeyaWabas” program in the period from March 04, 2022 to March 28, 2022. This study was launched ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ The study of the main question of - How did CBC treat Women's issues through the "Heya and Bas" program? And a set of sub-questions, which are: What are the journalistic types with which the "heyawa Bas" program dealt with Arab women's issues through CBC? What are the most important Arab women's issues dealt with by the “heyawa Bas “ program on CBC? - What are the sources that CBC relied on covering Arab women's issues through the "heyawa Bas" program? In this study, the researcher relied on the content analysis form as a tool for data collection to analyze 4 numbers, which were selected by a systematic random sample method, which were divided into two: Shape categories, which are the categories of data that answer the question How was it said? and content categories, which are the categories of data that answer the question, What was said? The researcher reached a set of results, the most important of which are: - The percentage of dealing with Arab women's issues in the "She and Bas" program was more than half, as it focused on the most important and prominent issues in our societies such as violence, work, early marriage...etc. - Direct talk is the most used journalistic type in the "heyawa Bas" program, by presenting women's issues by highlighting various details about them. Social issues are the most dealt with in the "She and Bas" program, as its success has become one of the most important issues of concern to women, and most of these issues are raised within the program's studio, the aim of which is to reveal certain facts. - The program relies on social networking sites as a source in covering women's issues, especially as it has played an important role in providing the public with various real-time information. - The program relied on mental seduction as a persuasive method in raising user issues. Through the aforementioned sub- results, we conclude that: CBC's treatment of women's issues was somewhat successful, as it shed light on the most important issues through the "heyawa Bas" program.
Description: تخصص: سمعي بصري
Appears in Collections:Département des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication - Master

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