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dc.contributor.advisorبلمعبدي. أ-
dc.contributor.authorطرباخ, نجلاء-
dc.contributor.authorبرقيقة, آية-
dc.descriptionمعالجة، تطهير وتسيير المياهen_US
dc.description.abstractتعاني الجزائر من مشكل تصريف مياه الصرف الصحي كباقي دول العالم وذلك لخطورتها على صحة الإنسان أو على البيئة , كما هوا الحال في منطقة المقارين الواقعة في ولاية تقرت حيث يتم تصريف مياهها المستعملة في قناة وادي ريغ مباشرة دون أي معالجة بالقرب من التجمعات السكنية . في درستنا هذه قمنا بوضع حل لهذه المشكلة ألا وهي محطة تتناسب مع شروط المناخية والاقتصادية لمعالجة هذه المياه وتخلص منها بشكل امن للمحافظة على صحة وسلامة المواطن وكذلك المحافظة على البيئة . قمنا في درستنا هذه بمعالجة هذه المياه واستغلالها في سقي الفلاحي حيث اعتمدنا على تقنية أحواض التهوية , وشملت درستنا كذلك على الجانب التقني و الاقتصادي لهذا المشروع حيث قدرت تكلفة هذا المشروع ب 161303211900 دينار جزائري .en_US
dc.description.abstractAlgeria suffers from the problem of wastewater disposal , like the rest of the world , ,due to its danger to human health or the environment ,as is the case in the Megariens region in the wilaya of touggourt ,where its wastewater is discharged directly into the wedi reigh channel without any treatment near residential communities . In our study , we developed a solution to this problem ,which is a station that fist the climatic and economic conditions to treat this water and dispose of it safely in order to preserve the environment . In our study , we treated this water and exploited it for agriculural irrigation ,where we relied on the technology of aeration basins . Our study also included the technical and economic side of this project , at the cost of this project was estimated at 161303211900 Algerian dinars .-
dc.description.abstractAlgeria suffers from the problem of wastewater disposal , like the rest of the world , ,due to its danger to human health or the environment ,as is the case in the Megariens region in the wilaya of touggourt ,where its wastewater is discharged directly into the wedi reigh channel without any treatment near residential communities . In our study , we developed a solution to this problem ,which is a station that fist the climatic and economic conditions to treat this water and dispose of it safely in order to preserve the environment . In our study , we treated this water and exploited it for agriculural irrigation ,where we relied on the technology of aeration basins . Our study also included the technical and economic side of this project , at the cost of this project was estimated at 161303211900 Algerian dinars .-
dc.description.abstractAlgeria suffers from the problem of wastewater disposal , like the rest of the world , ,due to its danger to human health or the environment ,as is the case in the Megariens region in the wilaya of touggourt ,where its wastewater is discharged directly into the wedi reigh channel without any treatment near residential communities . In our study , we developed a solution to this problem ,which is a station that fist the climatic and economic conditions to treat this water and dispose of it safely in order to preserve the environment . In our study , we treated this water and exploited it for agriculural irrigation ,where we relied on the technology of aeration basins . Our study also included the technical and economic side of this project , at the cost of this project was estimated at 161303211900 Algerian dinars .-
dc.publisherجامعة قاصدي مرباح - ورقلة -en_US
dc.subjectمياه الصرفen_US
dc.subjectمحطة معالجة المياه المستعملةen_US
dc.subjectقناة وادي ريغen_US
dc.subjectأحواض التهويةen_US
dc.titleتصميم محطة لتطهير المياه المستعملة بلدية المقارين – تقرت-en_US
Appears in Collections:Département de Hydraulique et Génie Civil - Master

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