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dc.contributor.advisorSaadoune, Farida-
dc.contributor.authorSofia, Boukenoud-
dc.descriptionLiterature and Civilisationen_US
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation challenges the prevailing characterization of Oscar Wilde solely as an adherent of aestheticism, proposing instead that beneath his espousal of "art for art's sake," Wilde possessed a deeper awareness of the societal issues inherent in Victorian capitalism. Focused on his sole novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray," this study employs Marxist literary criticism to unveil Wilde's concealed moral objections to the prevailing social norms of his era. Through a methodological approach combining description and analysis, the research delineates the evolutionary trajectory and contemporary relevance of Marxist theory, demonstrating its pertinence to Wilde's literary output. The analysis probes into the novel's themes of class stratification, socioeconomic disparity, and power dynamics, interpreting textual evidence through the lens of Marxist critique. Ultimately, the dissertation posits that Wilde's apparent devotion to aestheticism serves as a veneer for a more profound social critique, positioning him as a writer deeply engaged with Marxist principles and social responsibility. II. Aim: The primary objective of this research paper is to examine and analyse the social conflicts depicted in Oscar Wilde's sole novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Additionally, this study seeks to elucidate the implications of applying Marxist Literary Theory to students' perceptions of the novel. By exploring the social conflict themes present in the text through the lens of Marxist theory, the research aims to evaluate the extent to which the narrative aligns with Marxist principles. Furthermore, it endeavours to uncover Wilde's own Marxist inclinations and how the influence of Marxist theory shaped the social responsibility conveyed by Victorian authors. III. Methodology: The conducted research paper adopts a qualitative approach to delve into the themes of profound social criticism from a Marxist perspective. Employing a corpus-based methodology, the study follows a descriptive-analytical path aligned with the principles of Marxist literary theory. The primary objective is to probe the author's level of social consciousness and discern his stance toward the dominant upper classes and their influence over the working class. Drawing data directly from the novel, key quotes containing implications of social criticism are extracted and analyzed through a Marxist lens. The resulting insights are pivotal in evaluating how "The Picture of Dorian Gray" navigates the discourse surrounding the critical portrayal of Victorian society. IV. Result: At the heart of this study lies the endeavour to offer a fresh perspective on Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" through a Marxist lens, departing from conventional aesthetic interpretations to unveil the latent Marxist themes interwoven into the narrative tapestry. The inquiry commenced with a meticulous examination, contextualizing the analysis within the framework of Marxist economic and political theory, before delving into the depths of Marxist literary theory to provide a robust analytical framework. Through focused scrutiny, characters such as Dorian Gray and Lord Henry emerged as focal points, their actions and interactions serving as conduits for exploring Marxian concepts like class conflict and oppression. The narrative subtly exposes the contradictions and injustices entrenched within Victorian society, offering Wilde's critique of prevailing power structures and cultural norms. Through this rigorous investigation, it becomes evident that a Marxist interpretation not only enriches our understanding of societal dynamics but also serves as a potent medium for advocating notions of freedom and social justice. Ultimately, this study highlights the enduring relevance of Marxist analysis in unravelling the complexities of literature and stimulating discourse on societal transformation. V. Approach: In analysing "The Picture of Dorian Gray" through a Marxist lens, employing a comprehensive research approach is paramount for a nuanced understanding of the text within its socio-economic context. This approach involves several key steps: First, conducting an extensive literature review to survey existing Marxist interpretations of the novel and identify gaps or areas requiring further exploration. Second, delving into the historical backdrop of the Victorian era, particularly the rise of capitalism and class divisions, to grasp how societal conditions influenced Wilde's narrative choices. Third, engaging in close textual analysis to unearth passages, characters, and symbols reflective of Marxist themes like class struggle and exploitation. By methodically synthesizing these components, scholars can unveil the intricate socio-economic critiques embedded in Wilde's masterpiece and highlight its enduring relevance in contemporary discourseen_US
dc.description.abstractCette thèse remet en question la caractérisation dominante d'Oscar Wilde uniquement comme un adepte de l'esthétisme, proposant à la place que sous son adhésion à « l'art pour l'art », Wilde possédait une conscience plus profonde des problèmes sociétaux inhérents au capitalisme victorien. Centrée sur son unique roman, « Le portrait de Dorian Gray », cette étude utilise la critique littéraire marxiste pour dévoiler les objections morales cachées de Wilde aux normes sociales dominantes de son époque. Grâce à une approche méthodologique combinant description et analyse, la recherche délimite la trajectoire évolutive et la pertinence contemporaine de la théorie marxiste, démontrant sa pertinence pour la production littéraire de Wilde. L'analyse explore les thèmes du roman que sont la stratification de classe, la disparité socio-économique et la dynamique du pouvoir, en interprétant les preuves textuelles à travers le prisme de la critique marxiste. En fin de compte, la thèse postule que l'apparent dévouement de Wilde à l'esthétisme sert de vernis à une critique sociale plus profonde, le positionnant comme un écrivain profondément engagé dans les principes marxistes et la responsabilité sociale.-
dc.publisherKasdi Merbah Ouargla Universityen_US
dc.subjectMarxist literary criticismen_US
dc.subjectOscar Wildeen_US
dc.subjectSocial Classesen_US
dc.subjectClass Conflicten_US
dc.subjectCritique littéraire marxisteen_US
dc.subjectOscar wildeen_US
dc.subjectclasses socialeen_US
dc.subjectconflit de clsseen_US
dc.subject.ddcالنقد الأدبي الماركسي-
dc.subject.ddcأوسكار وايلد-
dc.subject.ddcالطبقات الاجماعية-
dc.subject.ddcالصراع الطبقي-
dc.titleClass Struggle and Oppression, a Marxist approach to Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”en_US
dcterms.abstractتتحدى هذه الأطروحة التوصيف السائد لأوسكار وايلد باعتباره ملتزمًا بالجمالية فقط، وتقترح بدلاً من ذلك أنه تحت اعتناقه لـ "الفن من أجل الفن"، كان وايلد يمتلك وعيًا أعمق بالقضايا المجتمعية المتأصلة في الرأسمالية الفيكتورية. تركز هذه الدراسة على روايته الوحيدة "صورة دوريان جراي"، وتستخدم النقد الأدبي الماركسي لكشف النقاب عن اعتراضات وايلد الأخلاقية الخفية على الأعراف الاجتماعية السائدة في عصره. من خلال نهج منهجي يجمع بين الوصف والتحليل، يحدد البحث المسار التطوري والأهمية المعاصرة للنظرية الماركسية، مما يدل على صلتها بإنتاج وايلد الأدبي. يبحث التحليل في موضوعات الرواية المتمثلة في التقسيم الطبقي، والتفاوت الاجتماعي والاقتصادي، وديناميكيات السلطة، وتفسير الأدلة النصية من خلال عدسة النقد الماركسي. في النهاية، تفترض الأطروحة أن إخلاص وايلد الواضح للجمالية هو بمثابة قشرة لنقد اجتماعي أكثر عمقًا، مما يضعه ككاتب منخرط بعمق في المبادئ الماركسية والمسؤولية الاجتماعية-
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