numéro 07 2015 V4 n1 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2015Operating sector strategies in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives " Algerian experience modelمصطفى طويطي
Dec-2015The impact of spoken word on consumer’s decision to adopt new products: case study of third-generation services “3G” of Mobilis Company in Laghouatامينة ظريف
Dec-2015The impact of employees empowerment on functional satisfaction Case of mills oasis firm in Touggourt - Wilaya of Ouargla)باديس بوخلوة; محمد حمزة بن قرينة
Dec-2015Internal audit as one of the main important mechanisms in the governance system and its role in increasing the performance quality in the organizationعـمـر شريــقـي
Dec-2015Using sales forces in the Marketing Business Operation Case of the Algerian food industriesعبد الحق بن تفات; نوال بن عمارة; العربي عطية
Dec-2015Entrepreneurial support policies in Algeria –An analytical studyمحمد قوجيل; يوسف قريشي
Dec-2015Éthique des affaires et responsabilité sociale des entreprises : cas de l’Algérie Business ethics and corporate social responsibility: The case of AlgeriaAbdeslam BENDIABDELLAH; Menel Ibtissem MANKOURI
Dec-2015The evaluation of end-of-service grant incarnation reality according to the financial accounting system in the National Company of wells Servicesبلخير بكاري; الطيب مداني
Dec-2015Testing Co-integration relationship between the exchange rate and inflation rates in the Algerian economy: An Empirical Study for the period (1970-2014أحمـد سلامـي
Dec-2015Evaluation of Organizations' Satisfaction Degree on Insurance Companies Service in Al-Ahsa region, Saudi Arabiaخالد عبد العزيز السهلاوي; سعيدي وصاف
Dec-2015he relationship between the relationshipbetweeninflation, unemployment and economic growthin Algeria usingthe Co-integration and ECM modelخربوش مصطفى
Dec-2015The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance A study of a sample of Algerian economic firms during the period 2009- 2013إلياس بن ساسي; إيمان بن عزوز
Dec-2015he reality of Accountancy Profession in Algeria between Transformations and challenges "a Field Study on a Sample of Practitioners and Interested in the Professionفيروز خويلدات; أعمر عزاوي; مبارك بوعلاق
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13