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Authors: Abdelmalek, MANSRI
Keywords: Aimantation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The quantitative description of the evolution of the macroscopic properties of the magnetization (permeability, shape of the hysteresis cycles) with the frequency remains topical. It is in this second perspective that our research work, divided into a methodological approach of the method of fluxmetric measurements and validation test, on the one hand ; And the study of magnetization processes on samples of Pure Iron and FeSi with non-oriented grains and oriented grains in the form of thin sheet metal samples in crowns and rectangular plates, on the other hand. From the fluxmetric measurements, one can access the quantities μ (permeability) and P (loss) to describe the frequency behavior of the samples by the examination of the hysteresis cycles at different work inductions Bmax. One takes a cycle of hysteresis, calculate the relative permeability r it will be the tangent of the rise of the cycle passing by the corresponding coercive field (Hc). In addition to the revalidation of the measurement tests of the samples in the form of thin sheets obtained by high resolution fluxmetry, the analysis was carried out on hysteresis cycles for three types of samples (iron, FeSi with non-oriented grains and FeSi with grains Oriented with high permeability) to different working inductions Bmax and to different working frequencies. These hysteresis cycles are not a final impression for the samples but depend on the parameters mentioned, in addition to other effects, determining the hysteresis cycles of the losses. The evaluation of the losses observed on the diagrams due to swelling and the elongation of the hysteresis cycles (area of the cycle), for the same parameters but for the samples (iron, FeSi with non-oriented grain). Finally, the separation of the permeability from the experimental values obtained by the tangent of the rise of the (narrow) hysteresis cycle passing through the coercive field (Hc) corresponding to each cycle, we see an increase in the permeability value Be made and resulted in a qualification of grain-oriented FeSi as a material that can be analyzed by decoupling the quasistatic hysteresis study originating in discontinuous magnetization processes to a scale smaller than the wall thickness and The losse depending on the modification of the configuration in domains in dynamic regime.
الوصف الكمي لتطور الخصائصالماكروسكوبية للمغنطة(النفاذية،شكلالحلقات الهستيرية)معتردديبقىمحل اهتمام البحث.فيضمن هذهالرؤية استعملت منهجية تقريبية بطريقة مقياس التدفق واختبار النتائج من ناحية، ودراسة آلية المغنطة على عينات من حديد النقي والحديد-السليسيوم ذات حبيبات غير موجهة وحبيبات موجهة(Fer, FeSi (No,Go))على شكل صفائح رقيقة حلقية وصفائح مستطيلة من جهة أخرى. انطلاقا من قياسات فلومترية نستطيع التوصل لقيم(النفاذية)،P(الضياع في الطاقة) ووصف السلوك بالتردد للعينات وذلك باستخراج النتائج من الحلقـات الهستـيـرية المختلفة لعمل التحريض المغناطيسيBmax. نأخذ حلقة هستيرية ونحسب النفاذية النسبيةrسيكون الظل المبين للحلقة الهستيرية والتي تقطعنقطة الحقل القسري (Hc)المقابلة.بينما نتائج قياسات العينات على شكل صفائح رقيقة بواسطة مقياس التدفق عالي الدقة استعملت على الحلقات الهستيرية بثلاث أنواع من العينات من حديد النقي والحديد-السليسيوم ذات حبيبات غير موجهة وحبيبات موجهة(Fer, FeSi (No,Go)) تقييم الضياع يشاهد على الرسوم البيانية بعد زيادة واستطالة الحلقات الهستيرية (مساحة الحلقة ) لنفسالمعاييرولكنللعينات من حديد النقي والحديد-السليسيوم ذات حبيبات غير موجهة(Fer, FeSi (No)). وفي النهاية فصل النفاذية انطلاقا من قيم التجريبية استطعنا تحقيقها عن طريق الظل المبين للحلقة الهستيرية(ضيق) والتي تقطعنقطة الحقل القسري(Hc)المقابلة لكل الحلقات نلاحظ ان قيمة النفاذية في تزايد بنسبة للحديد-السليسيوم ذات حبيبات موجهةFeSi(GO)ج الدراسة حول الهستيريا الشبه مستقرة التي تتواجد فيوالتوصل إلى تفضيل هذه العينة كمادة نستطيع تحليلها بمز الأصل في آليات المغنطة الغير مستمرة بسلم أصغر من سمك الحواجز المغناطيسية والمضيعات في الطاقة التي تعتبر متقلصة ومتعلقة بتحول أشكال المجالات المغناطيسية في النظام الديناميكي
The quantitative description of the evolution of the macroscopic properties of the magnetization (permeability, shape of the hysteresis cycles) with the frequency remains topical. It is in this second perspective that our research work, divided into a methodological approach of the method of fluxmetric measurements and validation test, on the one hand ; And the study of magnetization processes on samples of Pure Iron and FeSi with non-oriented grains and oriented grains in the form of thin sheet metal samples in crowns and rectangular plates, on the other hand. From the fluxmetric measurements, one can access the quantities μ (permeability) and P (loss) to describe the frequency behavior of the samples by the examination of the hysteresis cycles at different work inductions Bmax. One takes a cycle of hysteresis, calculate the relative permeability r it will be the tangent of the rise of the cycle passing by the corresponding coercive field (Hc). In addition to the revalidation of the measurement tests of the samples in the form of thin sheets obtained by high resolution fluxmetry, the analysis was carried out on hysteresis cycles for three types of samples (iron, FeSi with non-oriented grains and FeSi with grains Oriented with high permeability) to different working inductions Bmax and to different working frequencies. These hysteresis cycles are not a final impression for the samples but depend on the parameters mentioned, in addition to other effects, determining the hysteresis cycles of the losses. The evaluation of the losses observed on the diagrams due to swelling and the elongation of the hysteresis cycles (area of the cycle), for the same parameters but for the samples (iron, FeSi with non-oriented grain). Finally, the separation of the permeability from the experimental values obtained by the tangent of the rise of the (narrow) hysteresis cycle passing through the coercive field (Hc) corresponding to each cycle, we see an increase in the permeability value Be made and resulted in a qualification of grain-oriented FeSi as a material that can be analyzed by decoupling the quasistatic hysteresis study originating in discontinuous magnetization processes to a scale smaller than the wall thickness and The losse depending on the modification of the configuration in domains in dynamic regime.
Description: Physique des Matériaux
Appears in Collections:département de physique - Master

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