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dc.contributor.authorمعبدي, عامرة-
dc.contributor.authorمعبدي, سميرة-
dc.contributor.authorبن غزالة, محمد الصديق-
dc.descriptionالتخصص:تاريخ الفلسفةen_US
dc.description.abstractلم تكن فلسفة الدين عند محمد إقبال على سنة سابقيه أو الذين عاصروه ،فمحاولته تقوم على إعادة الاعتبار للإسلام،وذلك لإخراجه من دائرة الشكوك والشبهات من جهة وإبعاده عن الركود والجمود من جهة أخرى ،وذلك من اجل إقامة فلسفة دينية قائمة على الوجه الصحيح،ومن اجل الوصول إلى هذا الهدف قسمنا هذا العمل إلى ثلاث فصول،الفصل الأول تناولنا فيه الفلسفة والدين وكذا العلاقة بينهما في مختلفالعصور(اليونانية،الوسطى،الحديث)،أما الفصل الثاني :تطرقنا فيه إلى فلسفة الدين عند محمد إقبال كما وضحنا فيه خصائص الخطاب الفلسفي والديني عنده،وكذا الزمان والحقيقة المطلقة،أما الفصل الثالث:تطرقنا فيه إلى موضوع الإنسان من الوجود الى الخلود ،وأدرجنا فيه مفهوم الخلق ،ومسالة الخلود.en_US
dc.description.abstractMuhammad Iqbal's philosophy of religion was not the approach of his predecessors or contemporaries،، and his attempt was based on the reconsideration of Islam، to his removal from the circle of suspicions on the one hand and his dimensions of stagnation and inertia on the other، in order to establish a religious philosophy properly based، and in order to reach this goal we divided this work into three chapters، chapter I dealt with philosophy and religion as well as the relationship between them in different ages (Greek، Central، modern)، the second chapter We discussed the philosophy of religion at Muhammad Iqbal as we explained the characteristics of the philosophical and religious discourse at him، as well as the absolute time and reality، and chapter III: We touched on the human subject of existence to eternity، in which we incorporated the concept of creation and the question of immortality-
dc.description.sponsorshipMuhammad Iqbal's philosophy of religion was not the approach of his predecessors or contemporaries،، and his attempt was based on the re-consideration of Islam، to his removal from the circle of suspicions on the one hand and his dimensions of stagnation and inertia on the other، in order to establish a religious philosophy properly based، and in order to reach this goal we divided this work into three chapters، chapter I dealt with philosophy and religion as well as the relationship between them in different ages (Greek، Central، modern)، the second chapter We discussed the philosophy of religion at Muhammad Iqbal as we explained the characteristics of the philosophical and religious discourse at him، as well as the absolute time and reality، and chapter III: We touched on the human subject of existence to eternity، in which we incorporated the concept of creation and the question of immortality.en_US
dc.subjectفلسفة الدينen_US
dc.subjectمحمد إقبالen_US
dc.titleفلسفة الدين عند محمد إقبالen_US
Appears in Collections:philosophie Master

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