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dc.contributor.advisorSEKOUR-KHERBOUCHE Y-
dc.contributor.advisorSEKOUR M-
dc.contributor.authorDAHECH Sara-
dc.contributor.authorDJELLABI Bouthayna-
dc.description.abstractLe présent travail porte sur l’étude l’abondance et la diversité des diptères dans la région de Djamâa et d’Ouargla. Au sein de ces régions un inventaire des arthropodes en fonction des ordres et des familles de diptères est réalisé sur une période de 10 mois (juin 2016 jusqu’à mars 2017), suite à l’utilisation de trois méthodes de piégeages (fauchage, pièges colorés, quadrat) dans quatre station. Cette étude a permet de recenser 18 ordres, dont l’ordre Diptera est classé en 1ère position avec 23 familles. La richesse totale la plus élevée (S = 22 familles) est notée pour les méthodes du fauchage et les pièges colorés. La famille Chloropidae (Abondance Relative = 52 ,2%) est la plus capturée grâce à méthode des quadrats. La station 2 (Ain Choucha) est la plus riche en familles de diptères (S = 22 familles), dont les Dolichopodidae (AR = 47,3%) constitue la famille la plus capturée dans cette station. En termes de diversité, les valeurs de Shannon-Weaver varient entre 2,10 bits (station 4) et 3,44 (station 2). Pour l’équitabilité, les valeurs tendent vers 1 (0,54 < E < 0,84), ce qui implique une tendance vers l’équilibre entre les effectifs des familles de diptères recensées dans les quatre stations.The present work focuses on the study of the abundance and the diversity of Diptera in the region of Djamâa and of Ouargla. Within these regions an inventory of arthropods according to the orders and families of Diptera is realized over a period of 10 months (in June, 2016 until March, 2017), follows in the use of three methods of trappings (reaping, colored traps, quadrats) in four station. This study has allows to list 18 orders, the order Diptera of which is positioned in the 1st position place with 23 families. The highest total wealth (= 22 families) is noted for the methods of the reaping and the colored trap. The Chloropidae family (Relative Abundance = 52, 2 %) is the most captured thanks to method of the quadrat. The station 2 (Ain Choucha) is the richest in families of Diptera (S= 22 families), the family of which Dolichopodidae (AR = 47,3 %) constitute the most captured in this station. In terms of diversity, the values of Shannon-Weaver vary between 2,10 bits (Station 4) and 3,44bits (Station 2). For equitability, the values tend towards 1 (0,54 < E < 0,84), which implies a tendency towards equilibrium between the numbers of Diptera families recorded in the four station.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present work focuses on the study of the abundance and the diversity of Diptera in the region of Djamâa and of Ouargla. Within these regions an inventory of arthropods according to the orders and families of Diptera is realized over a period of 10 months (in June, 2016 until March, 2017), follows in the use of three methods of trappings (reaping, colored traps, quadrats) in four station. This study has allows to list 18 orders, the order Diptera of which is positioned in the 1st position place with 23 families. The highest total wealth (= 22 families) is noted for the methods of the reaping and the colored trap. The Chloropidae family (Relative Abundance = 52, 2 %) is the most captured thanks to method of the quadrat. The station 2 (Ain Choucha) is the richest in families of Diptera (S= 22 families), the family of which Dolichopodidae (AR = 47,3 %) constitute the most captured in this station. In terms of diversity, the values of Shannon-Weaver vary between 2,10 bits (Station 4) and 3,44bits (Station 2). For equitability, the values tend towards 1 (0,54 < E < 0,84), which implies a tendency towards equilibrium between the numbers of Diptera families recorded in the four station. Keywords : Inventory, Diptera, Methods of sampling, Saharan circles, Djamâa, Ouargla.-
dc.description.abstractيركز هذا العمل عمي دراسة وفرة ذوات الجناحين في منطقة جامعة وورقمة حيث يتم جرد مفصميات األرجل وذوات الجناحين في فترة 10 شهر )يونيو 2016 إلى مارس 2017 (با استخدام 3 أساليب إصطياد ) الشبكة الصيادة , الفخاخ الممونة, وطريقة المربعات( وتطبق في أربعة محطات. سمحت هده الدراسة بالتعرف عمي 18 رتبة من مفصميات األرجل بما في ذالك ذوات الجناحين في مرتبة األولي 23عائمة. كما أن أكبر عدد من ذوات الجناحين تم اصطياده بواسطة الشبكة الصيادة و الفخاخ الممونة با 22 رتبة. عائمة Chloropidae هي األكثر اصطيادا بطريقة الرباعيات بنسبة قدرها = %2,52 محطة عين الشوشة تتميز بغنائها من حيث العائالت وأكثر االنواع اصطياد ا هي .Dolichopodidae بنسبة قدرها 3,47 باالمئة. من حيث التنوع والقيم شانون-ويفر تختمف بين 10,2 بت )محطة 4 ) و 44,3( محطة 2 .)والقيم تميل نحو 1 55,0 ≤ E ≤ 84,0 مما يعني وجود توازن بين العائالت ذوات-
dc.subjectmilieux sahariensen_US
dc.subjectMéthodes d’échantillonnagesen_US
dc.subjectSaharan circlesen_US
dc.subjectMethods of samplingen_US
dc.titleAbondance et diversité des diptères dans quelques palmeraies .Cas de Djamâa et d’Ouarglaen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des Sciences Agronomiques - Master

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