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Title: جُمَانَةُ القرّاء أرجوزة في الرّسم القرآنيّ، من نظم الحاج عبد الرّحمن حفصي.(دراسة وصفيّة).
Authors: مُحمد بُن عُبوُ
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2018
Series/Report no.: numero-11 2018;
Abstract: With a history that is both old and significant, Tidikelt was once and still is the land of Islamic intellectuals who have made innumerable contributions in the field of ‘El- Fikh’ , ‘El-Oussoul’, ‘El-Faraїd’ and other Quranic sciences. El hadj Abderrahman HAFSI ,born in Aoulef Adrar ; is one of them and This paper discusses landmarks in his life together, namely: Djoumana El Korra in Quranic sciences …WOORDS CLAUSE Tidikelt-Fikh-Hafsi-Djoumanaa.
Description: Revue DAKIRA
ISSN: 2335-125X
Appears in Collections:Dakra numero-11 2018(V6 N2)

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