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dc.contributor.advisorBENAISSA, Atika-
dc.contributor.advisorCHAOUCHE, Khaoula-
dc.contributor.authorTADJINE, SARA-
dc.descriptionMicrobiologie Appliquée-
dc.description.abstractDans le but d’étudier quelques caractères physicochimiques et microbiologiques d’un sol agricole de la région d'El Oued, et contribuer par la mesure de quartes paramètres physicochimiques de la température, pH, la CE et teneur en eau. aussi par la recherche et le dénombrement de trois groupes bactériens : les Psychrotrophes, les mésophiles et les Thermotrophes et des champignons : les moisissures et levures, à la caractérisation de ce sol Les résultats des paramètres physico-chimiques de cinq sites de sol de cette région prélevés à 20cm (en surface) et à 40cm (en profondeur) on note que ce sol a un pH alcalin (8 à 8,73) avec une conductivité électrique inferieure à (4ms /cm ) dont les valeurs varient entre (2,20 à 2,47) ainsi que la température qui varit entre (17,40°C à 22,6°C) et une teneur en eau considérée comme élevée allant de ( 9,96% à 16,37%). D’après la dénombrement des différents groupes microbiens, la biomasse microbienne varie en fonction des caractéristiques physico-chimiques données. et les levures sont dominantes avec des taux de l’ordre de (49% et 62%) et les flores thermotrophes sont les moins abondantes dont les taux sont de (5% et 2%) alors que la flore mésophile, elle présente une charge de (25% et 15%) Et la flore psychrotrophe sont taux est de ( 21%) en surface et en profondeur. Donc les paramètres physicochimiques étudiés favorisent l’activité des groupes microbiens recherchés.In order to study some physicochemical and microbiological caracteres of an agricultural soil of the El Oued region, and to contribute by the measurement of fourth physicochemical parameters of the temperature, pH, EC and water content. also by the research and the enumeration of three bacterial groups: the Psychrotrophs, the mesophiles and the thermotrophs and the mushrooms: the molds and the yeasts, with the characterization of this soil. The results of the physico-chemical parameters of five soil sites of this region taken at 20cm (at the surface) and at 40cm (at depth) we note that this soil has an alkaline pH (8 to 8.73) with a lower electrical conductivity at (4ms / cm) whose values vary between (2.20 to 2.47) as well as the temperature which varies between (17.40 ° C to 22.6 ° C) and a water content considered to be high ranging from , 96% à16,37%). According to the enumeration of the different microbial groups, the microbial biomass is varied according to the physicochemical characteristics given. The yeasts are predominant with rates of the order of (49% and 62%) and the thermotrophic flora are the less abundant whose rates are (5% and 2%) while the mesophilic flora, it has a load of (25% and 15%) And the psychrotrophic flora are rate is (21%) in surface and depth. Thus, the physicochemical parameters studied favor the activity of the microbial groups sought.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn order to study some physicochemical and microbiological caracteres of an agricultural soil of the El Oued region, and to contribute by the measurement of fourth physicochemical parameters of the temperature, pH, EC and water content. also by the research and the enumeration of three bacterial groups: the Psychrotrophs, the mesophiles and the thermotrophs and the mushrooms: the molds and the yeasts, with the characterization of this soil. The results of the physico-chemical parameters of five soil sites of this region taken at 20cm (at the surface) and at 40cm (at depth) we note that this soil has an alkaline pH (8 to 8.73) with a lower electrical conductivity at (4ms / cm) whose values vary between (2.20 to 2.47) as well as the temperature which varies between (17.40 ° C to 22.6 ° C) and a water content considered to be high ranging from , 96% à16,37%). According to the enumeration of the different microbial groups, the microbial biomass is varied according to the physicochemical characteristics given. The yeasts are predominant with rates of the order of (49% and 62%) and the thermotrophic flora are the less abundant whose rates are (5% and 2%) while the mesophilic flora, it has a load of (25% and 15%) And the psychrotrophic flora are rate is (21%) in surface and depth. Thus, the physicochemical parameters studied favor the activity of the microbial groups sought.-
dc.description.abstractه أجم دراست بعض انخصبئص انفيشيىكيميبئيت وانميكزوبيىنىجيت نهتزبت انشراعيت في مىطقت انىاد وانمسبهمت مه خلال قيبصأربعت معهمبث انفيشيبئيت وانكيميبئيت درجت انذزارة، ودرجت انذمىضت،و انىبقهيت انكهزببئيت وانمذتىي انمبئي.كذنك كشف وتعذاد انمجمىعبث انبكتيزيت انثلاث:انمذبت نهبزودة، متىسطت انذزارة ومقبومت انذزارةوانفطزيبث:انمتعفىبث وانخمبئز، نتمييش خصبئص هذي انتزبت. وتبئج انمعهمبث انفيشيىكيميبئيت مه خمست مىاقع أرضيت نهذي انمىطقت انتي أخذث في مستىي20سم(مه انسطخ)و40سم(مه انعمق)نىدظ أن هذي انتزبت نذيهب درجت انذمىضت انقهىيت (8دتي73،8)مع وبقهيت انكهزببئيت أقم مه(4مههي ثبويت/سم)انتي تتببيه في انقيم بيه(20،2-47،2)ودرجت انذزارة بيه(17.4ًان6،22درجت مئىيت)، ومذتىي مبئي يعتبز مزتفع يتزاوح مب بيه(96،9و٪37،16٪). و مه خلال تعذاد انمجمىعبث انميكزوبيت انمختهفت ، تتىىع انكتهت انذيىيت انميكزوبيت وفقًب نهخصبئص انفيشيبئيت انكيميبئيت انمعطبة ، وتكىن انخمبئز هي انغبنبت بمعذل(49٪ و62٪)في ديه ان ومقبومبث انذزارة أقم وفزة بمعذل(5٪ و2٪)و متىسطت انذزارة ة(25٪ و15٪)و انمذبت نهبزودة انىببتبثبمعذل(21٪)في انسطخ وانعمق. وهكذا ، فإن انمعهمبث انفيشيىكيميبئيت انمذروست تذفش وشبط انمجمىعبث انميكزوبيت-
dc.subjectCaractères physicochimiquesen_US
dc.subjectEl Oued-
dc.titleContribution à l'étude de certains paramètres physicochimiques et microbiologiques d'un sol agricole de la région d'El Oueden_US
Appears in Collections:Departement de Biologie - Master

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