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dc.contributor.authorمسعودي هشام-
dc.identifier.issn1112- 9808-
dc.descriptionDafatir Droit et politiqueen_US
dc.description.abstractDue to the position occupied by administrative administrative law decision, administrative courts and administrative litigation have made him doctrinal ahouda of debate largely led only difference between researchers, especially in France, and this is the decision of the highest importance in the lives of individuals in their relations with the management, especially those related to its implementation, in order to put forward the concept of the resolution management to the dean of Toulouse "Maurice Hauriou" on the executive nature of the administrative decision, many signs of astonishment and perplexity, which differed Fiqh on the meaning of the decision of the administrative executive, and tried each from the angle of the definition of the administrative decision and stand on the nature and the attributes, so to Tmia Glory to others.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvolume11 numero 1 /Jan 2019;-
dc.subjectexecutive natureen_US
dc.subjectadministrative decisionen_US
dc.subjectlegal differencesen_US
dc.subjectMaurice Hauriouen_US
dc.titleقراءة في مفهوم الطبيعة التنفيذية للقرار الإداري عند الفقيه موريس هوريو - دراسة حول الإختلاف الفقهي في فرنساen_US
Appears in Collections:volume 11 N1 2019 Dafatir

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