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Title: التواشج الوظيفي بين النحو والبلاغة عند مرتاض - دراسة نقدية –
Authors: عمر بوقـمـرة
Keywords: grammar
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Series/Report no.: Numéro 6 2018;
Abstract: grammar, rhetoric are two important Arabic science, have existed to serve the Koran. Grammar has appeared to fight mispronouncing was diffused on the tongues of reciters, and rhetoric has appeared to stand up against defamations from atheists about impotence of Koran. Really both sciences execute its fundamental function very well. Perhaps this collective function between them caused interference area between both concepts anciently and recently. If we accept the honor of a scientific grammar, rhetoric and their necessity as two keys for correct understanding of the Book of Allah, does that mean they operate severally ?Or their relationship? If there was a relationship of what nature? What are the limits? And how they looked at it Rhetoric scholars, past and present? What is the look Abdelmalek Mortad it? That is problematic hidden behind these sub-questions that we are trying to answer in this paper.
Description: Al Alama
ISSN: 2478-0197
Appears in Collections:Al Alama N 06 / Vol 3, N1 2018

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