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Title: التعليل النحوي عند ابن ولاّد، من خلال كتاب ""الانتصار لسيبويه على المبرد""
Authors: البشير العوني
Keywords: IBN WALLAD
grammatical studies
grammatical reasoning
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Series/Report no.: Numéro 6 2018;
Abstract: There is a kind of research that has become prevalent in modern grammatical studies, its concern is to refer to the first source from which fundamentalists resort, in order to reconsider the treatment of grammar proofs by early grammarians. If the fundamentalists have succeeded in many things, they may be wrong intentionally or not in others, which requires, for the contemporary researchers to extract the fundamental principles by returning to the original source; that is our Arabic grammatical heritage , in order to study it and try to identify some of its content. This research came in an attempt to present a picture of the origin of the grammatical reasoning in the IBN WALLAD book named "AL INTISSAR LI SIBAWAYH ALA Al-MOBARRID".
Description: Al Alama
ISSN: 2478-0197
Appears in Collections:Al Alama N 07/ Vol 3, N2 2018

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