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dc.contributor.authorعبد العزيز خميس-
dc.descriptionRevue des Sciences Sociales et Humainesen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to reveal the relationship as perceived by the students of third stage secondary and motivation to learn in a city associated with some secondary schools in the schools year (2018/2019) In this study,the descriptive approach was used by knowing the relationship between one or more variables and then determining the degree of the relationship two tools were used : the parental measure of measure and the driving scale to learn and verify the validity and stability of each. The study was conducted on a sample of (65) male and female students with (37 females) and (28 males). they were randomly selected, then the psychometric characteristics of the two instruments were measured. For statistical analysis, we used the following statistical methods:pearson,t.and spss22. After applying the study we reached the following results:There Is on statistically significant relationship between parental treatment as perceived by students and and motivation for learning. AndThere were oén statistically significant differences in parental treatment between the sexes (meles/females(.there absence of statistical differences in motivation to learn between liteary specialization and scientific specializationen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV 11 N°3. Sept 2019 (39);-
dc.subjectParental treatmenten_US
dc.subjectmotivation to learnen_US
dc.titleالمعاملة الوالدية كما يدركها التلاميذ وعلاقتها بالدافعية للتعلمen_US
Appears in Collections:numéro 39 SSH V11 N3 2019

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