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dc.contributor.advisorعيساني, عبد المجيد-
dc.contributor.authorعبد الرحمن, عبد الحي-
dc.descriptionتعليمية اللغة العربية وتعلّمهاen_US
dc.description.abstractتعليم اللغة يكتسي أهمية كبيرة في كافة النواحي والأصعدة، لأنها الوعاء الحافظ والناقل للمعرفة والثقافة للأجيال اللاحقة، بالإضافة لكونها أهم أداة للاتصال والتواصل بين أفراد المجتمع، فهي تحمل بعد تواصلي، تعكس قيم وثقافة المجتمع، وتحمل هويته، وتحافظ على ذاكرته وإرثه الثقافي، واستمرار الأمة وديمومة حضارتها تقاس بمدى حفاظها وتمسكها بلغتها. لأن اللغة هي الأداة الصانعة والمركبة للمعالم النفسية لشخصية الطفل والمتعلم على حد سواء، خاصة في بداية وُلوجه معترك الحياة، واللغة العربية من بين اللغات التي اقتصت مكانتها في الأمم نظرا لبعدها الإنساني والاجتماعي والديني، مما جعلها مقصدا للعلماء والأدباء والبلغاء، ويعد الاهتمام باللغة العربية من صميم الاهتمام بالقرآن الكريم، لذا انكب العلماء عليها، جمعا وتفسيرا وتوضيحا، فألّفت فيها المعجمات، والكتب النحوية والصرفية... وبعد اختلاط المجتمع العربي مع غيره -بسبب توسع الدولة الإسلامية والرقعة الجغرافية-، وحرصا على بقاء اللغة العربية سليمة من الشوائب والتحريف، خالية من اللحن والتصحيف، ابتدعوا للأجيال معلمين يلقنونهم الصافي الزلال من اللغة، في المساجد وقصور الأمراء والوزراء. وفي الوقت المعاصر تحملت الدولة عبء الحفاظ على اللغة العربية بإعداد موارد بشرية، وتخصيص موارد مالية، وهياكل تعليمية ضخمة لتعليم للأجيال، تسمى بالمدارس أو المؤسسات التعليمية، التي تسعى لتمكين المتعلمين من تعلّم اللغة واكتساب مهاراتها، عن طريق البحث عن طرق ومناهج بيداغوجيا تحقق الأهداف المرجوة.en_US
dc.description.abstractLanguage education is of great importance at all levels and at all levels, as it is the tool and maker of the psychological characteristics of the personality of the child and the learner, especially at the beginning of life. , and the Arabic language among the languages classified in the nations because of their human, social and religious dimension, The State has endeavored to preserve Arabic by preparing human resources, allocating financial resources and creating large educational structures for generations, called schools or educational establishments, which aim to enable learners to learn the language and acquire B skills, by seeking means and pedagogical methods to achieve the desired objectives, and c ' is what made the state establish a pedagogical revolution, and reforms in the curricula of primary education, in terms of geometries and components and their buildings, format and the fields, go objectives of the education approach, to the skills approach. Based on these considerations, we have a problem: Does the adoption of the skills of the approach achieve the desired educational objectives, particularly with regard to the educational dimension and Alddiktikip's methods of teaching Arabic? Under this problem, a number of questions arise: • How to adopt the pedagogical approach within the framework of the theory of knowledge? • What is the reference framework for the skills framework? • What are the frameworks and means adopted by the State to adopt the educational approach? • Is primary education on the structural model? • How the principle of pedagogical and pedagogical diversification contributes to facilitate the educational process. • Which methods and which modes of learning are compatible with the pedagogy of the approach? • How do you learn language skills using the competency-based approach? This problem stems from the educational dimensions adopted by the modern Algerian school, which depends mainly on the preparation of learners for social and economic changes, who follow technological progress by controlling the knowledge acquired and exploiting it in the face of reality: The teaching of the Arabic language and learning from the point of view of cognitive theory in the light of the competency-based approach in the Algerian school -Primary sample-. These questions, we have tried to answer through four chapters, after the introduction and the preface We opened the research after the introduction to general concepts, then to the first chapter: primary education in Algeria, through three studies, and to the second chapter, Piaget's theory of cognitive knowledge and teaching processes and learning, through the three studies, the third chapter, the cognitive theory and the skills-based approach methodology, We have also integrated the applied chapters by analyzing the results of the oral interviews conducted as part of the study on the field and concluded our research with a conclusion; we have included the most important findings, followed by the views from the study. The results of this research show that one of the reasons for the failure of the reforms of the education system is to focus on programs and support, from annexation, collection, installation, reproduction and importation, without any hope of including and broadening the reforms to components, improving material and moral conditions and providing an appropriate environment in relation to national challenges and strategies adopted. Education in competency-based approaches is based on individual differences between learners, which facilitates the educational process at the general level, in terms of the preparation of programs, programs, educational content and at the specific level of the teacher, and to help the teacher in the division of educational groups in the preparation of projects, cooperative education, the skills approach, pedagogical pedagogy, seeks to develop the knowledge of the learner, by recruiting his tribal knowledge and its exploitation in educational situations, to solve the problem of education. , This allows the learner to learn to acquire knowledge himself, and the teacher to orient and overcome difficulties, and researchers have proven the success of this strategy in the educational process, but the reality that we touch is increasing dropping out of school, the weakness of the language, and this can be attributed to the reasons that we summarize in the following: - The failure of educational reforms, because they are not built on scientific bases, and the results of specialized research in education. - The absence of an appropriate reason for the principle of the approach of skills, educational means and physical and human structures. - The weakness of the composition of the components and of the teachers, on the concepts and objectives of outreach skills, and on how to apply them in the field of education. - The use of some traditional teachers in the educational process, either because they cannot control the mechanisms of the new principle, or because they are not at all convinced. - Traditional calendar dependency, based on quantitative measurement. - Overcrowding in classrooms negatively affects the teacher's ability to observe the principle of individual differences between learners. - The size of the Courier, with training courses in the annual program, due to the large number of educational objectives to be achieved using the skills-based approach.-
dc.publisherUniversity Kasdi Merbah Ouarglaen_US
dc.titleتعليم اللغة العربية وتعلّمها من منظور النظرية المعرفية في ظل المقاربة بالكفاءات في المدرسة الجزائرية -المرحلة الابتدائية عيّنة-en_US
Appears in Collections:Département de Langue Arabe - Doctorat

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