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dc.contributor.authorKarima HABIB-
dc.contributor.authorAdel ZEGRIER-
dc.contributor.authorNaima BELKHIR-
dc.descriptionJournal of Quantitative Economics Studiesen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study examines the factors of economic growth in Algeria, and highlights the impact of Private Credit, government spending, and trade openness on the Algerian economy. The research aims to analyze and estimate the impact of the mentioned factors on the economic growth in Algeria using the ARDL model. Annual data were collected for the period from [1980] to [2022], and analyzed using the ARDL model to estimate the relationship between private credit, government spending, trade openness, and economic growth. The results indicate that the negative impact of credit provided to the private sector on economic growth due to the failure of the Algerian banking system to support the private sector, while the increase in liquid liabilities indicates the inefficiency of channeling financial resources and the reluctance of banks to provide loans. While government spending negatively affects economic growth despite increased spending, finally, the opening of trade promotes growth but makes the Algerian economy hostage to fluctuations in oil prices. Based on these results, it is recommended to strengthening the economic environment: improving laws for property rights and anti-corruption, promoting investment in education and information technology, developing banks and financial infrastructure to promote financial inclusion and enhance confidence in the banking systemen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNumber 10 /2024;-
dc.subjectARDL Modelen_US
dc.subjectEconomic Growthen_US
dc.subjectGovernment Spendingen_US
dc.subjectPrivate Credit Provided to the Private Sectoren_US
dc.subjectTrade Opennessen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Economic Growth in Algeria: Analysis of the Impact of Private Sector Credit, Government Spending, and Trade Openness Using the ARDL Modelen_US
Appears in Collections:Number 10 /2024

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