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Title: Contribution à la valorisation des eaux aquacoles dans l’amélioration de la production de l’oignon et de la laitue (cas de Kef es Soltane Ouargla)
Authors: BISSATI, S.
Keywords: eau aquacole
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Le développement de l’aquaculture en milieu rural saharien constitue un atout pour le renforcement de l’autosuffisance alimentaire locale et régionale. Ce travail a pour but d’étudier l’effet de l’eau aquacole sur 02 cultures, l’oignon (Allium cepa) et la laitue (Lactuca sativa) en plein champ dans la station de Kef es Soltane (Ouargla) Les résultats obtenus sur terrain montrent que l’eau aquacole utilisée dans l’irrigation des cultures a un effet positif sur le rendement des deux cultures par rapport à l’eau de forage. Ainsi les paramètres morphologiques (nombre de feuilles, longueur des feuilles, calibre des bulbes et poids) ont été amèliorés d’une façon trés significative avec les eaux aquacoles. Les analyses statistiques appliquées sur l’ensemble des données obtenues ont révélé une mauvaise corrélation entre la morphologie de la plante et le rendement.Abstract: The development of aquaculture in rural areas of the Saharan is an asset for strengthening the local food sufficiency and regional.The objective of this work is to study the effect of aquacole water on 02 crops, onion (Allium cepa) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in the open in the station Kef es Soltane (Ouargla). The final results show that the effect of aquacole water used in irrigation is positive on the output of both crops compared with forage water. We have also observed that the morphology of the plant was improved with the water aquacole. The statically analysis applied on the whole of the data obtained in this study revealed a poor correlation between plant morphology and yield.
The development of aquaculture in rural areas of the Saharan is an asset for strengthening the local food sufficiency and regional. The objective of this work is to study the effect of aquacole water on 02 crops, onion (Allium cepa) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in the open in the station Kef es Soltane (Ouargla). The final results show that the effect of aquacole water used in irrigation is positive on the output of both crops compared with forage water. We have also observed that the morphology of the plant was improved with the water aquacole. The statically analysis applied on the whole of the data obtained in this study revealed a poor correlation between plant morphology and yield.
Appears in Collections:Département des Sciences Agronomiques

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