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dc.contributor.advisorSLOUGUI, N.-
dc.contributor.advisorDERAOUI, N.-
dc.contributor.authorTATI, Zoulikha-
dc.description.abstractCe travail abordé d’une manière expérimentale, a pour but de connaître le comportement de six variétés de basilic (grand vert, pourpre, nain compact cannelle, citron), dans les conditions édapho-climatiques sahariennes. Testées dans un dispositif en blocs aléatoire complets au niveau de la station I.T.D.A.S de Hassi Ben Abdallah. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que toutes les variétés cultivées en période de printemps donnent les meilleurs résultats par rapport à lapremière période (automne)- Le grand vert à donne la meilleure hauteur dans les deux périodes de semis. - Le pourpre au 2ème essai et la cannelle au 1er essaiont enregistréune durée du cycle plus précoce mais le grand vert et le naincompact ont fourni la durée du cycle la plus élevée.- Le grand vert a donné le meilleur poids frais 54,75g et 39,07g par contre le pourpre le plus faible poids frais 15,25g et 4,76g. - Le citron et le nain compact ont présente un taux de mortalité le plus important. Afin que notre travail ait un aspect plus complémentaire, nous avons étudie la composition de l’huile essentielle des six variétés de basilic par chromatographie en phase gazeuse (CPG), et pu déterminer l’existence de six (06) terpènes : eucolypol, linalol, neral, eugénol, méthyl-cinnamate (E ), méthyl-eugénol. Summary:This work made by experimental method has for purpose to know the behaviour of six varieties of basils (big green, purple, dwarf compact, marseilles, cinnamon and lemon), in the Saharan conditions of the region of Ouargla, tested in a device in blocs uncertain suits to the level of the I.T.D.A.S station of Hassi Ben Abdallah. The results obtained show that they, devoloppe when cultivated in the period of spring compared to the period of autumn: - Big green has the best height of two periods of seedling (33,51g and 38, 70). - Purple at the first essay and the cinnamon at the second one, have registered an earlier lasting time cycle; but the big green andthe dwarf have given the longest cycle time.- The Big green has given the best weight (54, 75 g and 39, 07g) where as the purple has given the louvest biomass (15, 25 gand 4, 76 g).- Lemon and dwarf compact have presented the most important rate of mortality compared to the other varieties. other varieities.In order to give other value to this study the composition of essential oil of six varieties the basil (Ocimum basilium L.), by gazes chromatography (GC), and determinate six terpène: eucolypol, linalol, neral, eugénol, méthyl-cinnamate ( E), methyl-eugénol.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis work made by experimental method has for purpose to know the behaviour of six varieties of basils (big green, purple, dwarf compact, marseilles, cinnamon and lemon), in the Saharan conditions of the region of Ouargla, tested in a device in blocs uncertain suits to the level of the I.T.D.A.S station of Hassi Ben Abdallah. The results obtained show that they, devoloppe when cultivated in the period of spring compared to the period of autumn: - Big green has the best height of two periods of seedling (33,51g and 38, 70). - Purple at the first essay and the cinnamon at the second one, have registered an earlier lasting time cycle; but the big green and the dwarf have given the longest cycle time. - The Big green has given the best weight (54, 75 g and 39, 07g) where as the purple has given the louvest biomass (15, 25 g and 4, 76 g). - Lemon and dwarf compact have presented the most important rate of mortality compared to the other varieties. other varieities. In order to give other value to this study the composition of essential oil of six varieties the basil (Ocimum basilium L.), by gazes chromatography (GC), and determinate six terpène: eucolypol, linalol, neral, eugénol, méthyl-cinnamate ( E), methyl-eugénol-
dc.subjectconditions sahariennesen_US
dc.subjectrégion d’Ouarglaen_US
dc.subjecthuile essentielleen_US
dc.titleComportement de différentes variétés de basilic (Ocimum basilicum L.) dans les conditions édapho-climatiques d’Ouarglaen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des Sciences Agronomiques

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