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Title: Potentialités laitières chez la chamelle Sahraoui dans la région du Souf
Authors: Abdelkader ADAMOU
Keywords: dairy potential
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: volume 4 numéro 2 AST 2012;
Abstract: The camel has significant potential in terms of milk production, despite the extreme conditions that characterize the Saharan regions. However, the camel drivers continue to direct their activities towards the production of meat despite the finding in recent years, a milk product demand in view of its importance in particular therapeutic. This study is part of this perspective to determine the potential of the camel milk through monitoring during the first nine months of lactation, a herd of twelve camels of "race" Sahraoui led in semi-intensive in the region of Souf. The results obtained showed that the average daily milk yield is 2.48 liters with a peak observed at the third month of lactation. As for ADG recorded in young camels, it was 296.65. Furthermore, for a better stimulation to the orientation of the camel for milk with a more profitable production, it must pass through an improved diet remains the most important factor influencing milk production
Description: AST Annales des Sciences et Technologie
ISSN: 2170-0672
Appears in Collections:volume 4 numéro 2 AST 2012

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