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dc.contributor.authorشخار, آسية-
dc.contributor.authorخياط, زبيدة-
dc.descriptionجامعة قاصدي مرباح ورقلة كلية العلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية قسم علم النفس و علوم التربيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThe actual study tried to know the relationship between the social support and the acceptance of life in some of women that have breast cancer in MuhamedBodiaf hospital at the city of Ouarguela,and this has been done through answering the coming questions: 1-Is there a relation exists between the degree of social support and the degree of acceptance of life in breast cancer patients? 2-Are there differences statically proven in the degree of social support at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in educational level? 3-Are there differences statically proven in the degree of social support at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in age? 4-Are there differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in educational level? 5-Are there differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life at breast cancer patients under the change in age? The study had depended on some breast cancer patients which are chosen deliberately from the center of fighting against cancer in MuhamedBodiaf hospital at Ouargla, for approximately one month ;from december15th,2013 until january12th, 2014.the group of study had been estimated of 50 women that have breast cancer aged between 35to63; the average is 49 years old. It had been depended on two tools for the collection of data: The social support standard of Zimat 1997 which Arabizesit and legalizes it on the Algerian public level the researcher Ramadan Zaatot 2005. The acceptance of life standard which Arabizes it and adapts it on the Algerian public level the researcher KadourNouibet 2013And after the dependence on statistical methodologies which suites the nature of hypotheses of this study: -There exist a relation between the degree of social support and the degree of acceptance of life in breast cancer patients. -There are differences statically proven in the degree of social support at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in educational level. -There are differences statically proven in the degree of social support at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in age. -There are differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in educational level. -There are differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life at breast cancer patients which refer to the change in age. The results had been reached are: 1-No existence of the relation between the degree of social support and the degree of acceptance of life at breast cancer patients. 2-There are no differences statically proven in the degree of social support which refer to the change in age. 3-There are no differences statically proven in the degree of social support which refer to the change in educational level. 4-There are differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life which refer to the change in age;and that’s on behalf the aged persons. 5-There are differences statically proven in the degree of acceptance of life which refer to the change in educational level; and that’s on behalf of the inferior educational level.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipطاووس وازيen_US
dc.subjectالمساندة الاجتماعيةen_US
dc.subjectسرطان الثديen_US
dc.titleالمساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتها بالرضا عن الحياة لدى النساء المصابات بسرطان الثديen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de psychologie et sciences de l'éducation

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