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Showing results 9289 to 9308 of 34420 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2017Jane Austen's Novel Emma in a Journey to Celluloid: A Cine-semiotic Investigation of Close-ups in Douglas McGrath's EmmaHind HANAFI
2016The Jazz Music in The Novel of Ralph Ellison The Invisible ManFERHI, Mokded; ABDOUNE, Iman
2020The Job Offer After the Oil Prices Fall in Algeria: A Spatial Analysis using Panel Data Approach (2014-2017)Abdallah HAMDINI; Lazhar CHINE
31-Dec-2020Journalistic ethics and principles of media work in Algeria “Analytical Reading of the media law of 2012 and the audiovisual law of 2014”محمد علاوة
15-Apr-2022Journalistic ethics between concept and practice theoretical approachسماش بن بن علي
2018The Journey from Alienation towards Self- Realization in James Joyce’s Bildungsroman: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManHind HANAFI; Afaf KORICHI
27-Jun-2017Journée d’Étude Scientifique et Technique sur les Produits GéosynthétiquesM. Bekhiti, H. Trouzine; F. Belabdelouahab
2021Judd-Ofelt parameters : Bayesian inference and deep learning approachBENTOUILA, Omar; AIADI, Kamel Eddin; BENHADJIR ,Abderrahmane
30-Jun-2024The judicial protection of the child in danger under law n ° 12-15 Between Text and Practice الحماية القضائية للطفل في خطر في ظل القانون رقم 15-12 بين النصّ والممارسةجليط جهيدة; خشمون مليكة
14-Jun-2022The judiciary role in protecting the public savings within the stock exchange marketبن كعبة محمد
2022Juniperus phoeniciaدراسة إحصائية للفوائد الاستطبابية لنبات العرعاربن زاهي ربيعة; بن تريــــش, ساميـــــة
1-Jan-2021The jurisdiction of Urgent matters judge In the discovery process according to civil And administrative proceduresلعرابي أسامة
5-Mar-2019Just in time multicriteria scheduling problem in two-machine flow shopOUIDDIR, Djedjiga; BOUIBEDE HOCINE, Karima; BOUDHAR, Mourad
31-Jan-2022Justification for reform of the UN Security Councilرابح نهائلً
2023K بواسطـــــة الاستبـــــدال الـــــذري ب البوتاسيوم LiH_225 تحسيــــن حركيـــــــة تخزيـــــــن الهيدروجيـــــــن في بلــــورةمحمدي، لزهر; شعيب، هجيرة; ربـــــــــــوح، حـــــــــــــــدي
2024Kasdi Merbah University – Ouargla – Faculty of Hydrocarbons, Renewable Energies, Earth Sciences, and Universe Department of Drilling and Mechanics of Oil Fields Dissertation Professional Master Domain: Science and Technology Field: Hydrocarbons Specialty: Professional drillingBouziza, Abdelbadie; Khelaifia, Taha Kheir eddine; Ramdani, Assil Lidia
Jun-2015De Kateb Yacine à Wajdi Mouawad: la résurgence du mythe d'Œdipe est au service de l'affirmation de soi à travers le théâtre francophoneKASMI HAFIDA
2023Kidney diseases identification using deep and handcrafted models: a comparative studyZerdoumi, O; Mohand Oussaid, Lina; Chekima, Hadjer
Jun-2018Kierkegaard : existence et tempsSouhil SAYOUD