numéro 46 SSH V13 N2 2021A Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jun-2021The rôle of physical sport activity to improve some life skills of teenagers in secondary schoolsاحمد يحياوي
30-Jun-2021واقع الصحة المدرسية من وجهة نظر أساتذة المدارس الإبتدائيةبن موسى عبد الوهاب
30-Jun-2021الكفاءة الذاتية وعلاقتها باستراتيجيات المواجهة لدى الطلبة المقبلين على التخرجمزاور نسيمة; بن يحي اسماء
30-Jun-2021واقع الممارسة الرياضية أثناء المخيمات الصيفية في الجزائر من وجهة نظر المختصين في المجال الرياضيفريد بلبول; عامر حملاوي; قيس فضل
30-Jun-2021Le changement social et ses réflexions sur le développement urbain dans la communauté localصالح عماميش; عبد العزيز العايش
30-Jun-2021The crime of violence against a child victim: its negative factors and effectsسهيلة بلصوار
30-Jun-2021The Morale of Religions at Daryush Shayeganفرحات عماري
30-Jun-2021The Affective Dimension of Linguistic Interference in the Translated Algerian Novel in the light of the Meaning Theoryميلود كوداد; أحمد قيطون
30-Jun-2021The demographic profile of patients with colorectal cancer in the Anti Cancer Center of SETIF –ALGERIAنورالدين زرارقة; محمد صالي
30-Jun-2021Facebook is a contemporary trend to promote women's craft activities in Algeriaشهرزاد بوهدة; مبروك لمشونشي
30-Jun-2021standardization of the classrooms problems test on the primary school teachers, recently recruited, in the wilaya of “Laghouatبوبكر شرفي
30-Jun-2021The problem of armament in the Algerian revolution between challenges and treatment 1954-1960 effortsخيري الرزقي
30-Jun-2021Composition The Teacher Of The Algerian Schoolنصيرة عبيد; رابح بن عيسى
30-Jun-2021Relationship of adolescence problems with kinetic satisfaction and academic achievement of students Through school sports activitiesمحمد كريبع; شوقي قدادرة
30-Jun-2021Parental image and its relationship to psychological Construction of adoptersدويدي سامية; رحاوي سعاد كحلولة
30-Jun-2021The reality of scientific research in Algerian university laboratories and development prospectsرندة رزق الله; جفال نور الدين
30-Jun-2021The impact of integral training program in the development of some of the physical attributes of soccer players (17-18) yearsبرواق حسان; مقران إسماعيل
30-Jun-2021Shale gas: a comparative approach between the feasibility of investment and the challenges of environmental sustainabilityليلى مداني
30-Jun-2021Emotional intelligence and its relationship to the awareness of psychological pressure among primary education teachersعبد القادر حسين; أحمد بن سعد
30-Jun-2021The role of the family and the school in raising the mental health of the childدبار حنان; جلول أحمد; عمامرة سميرة
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41