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dc.contributor.advisorBouksani, Mohamed-
dc.contributor.authorBENNACER ,Salim-
dc.contributor.authorOUKIL, Juba-
dc.contributor.authorREHOUMA, Omar-
dc.descriptionUniversité Kasdi Merbah OuarglaFaculté des hydrocarbures et des energies renouvelables et sciences de la terre et de l’univers Département de forage et mécanique des chantiers pétroliers Mémoire de fin d’étude en vu d’obtention du diplôme master professionnel Option : Mécanique des chantiers pétroliersen_US
dc.description.abstractthe gas turbine Is manufactured for generator workout to produce the electricity in electricity production stations, and it used in the petroleum industry for trained the compressor for gas compression and trained the pump for pumping, and the manufacturing of gas turbine knows in this last year many method for evaluation of its performance such as (regeneration, cooling intermediate, preheating and steam injection), and in this our study we will calculate the effect of ambient condition on gas turbine parameters, as the compression , the combustion and the detent, and after we will do realization of the technique of steam injection in combustion line, and this is our target of this study.en_US
dc.subjectturbine à gazen_US
dc.titleEtude comparative des performances obtenues lors de l’injection de la vapeur d’eau en amont de chambre de combustion d’une turbine à gaz MS5002Ben_US
Appears in Collections:Département de Forage et Mécanique des chantiers pétroliers - Master

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