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dc.contributor.advisorCHATTI, Djamel Eddine-
dc.contributor.authorAMRANI, Oussama-
dc.contributor.authorSAHRAOUI, ALI Messaoud-
dc.descriptionUniversité Kasdi Merbah Ouargla Faculté des hydrocarbures energies renouvelables et science de la terre et de l’univers Département de production des hydrocarbures MEMOIRE Pour obtenir le Diplôme de Master Option : Production Professionnelen_US
dc.description.abstractThe assessment of the reservoir's prior and current performance, followed by the prediction of its future performance, is an essential aspect of reservoir management. This work involves developing a plan of the field Ouan – Tardert, the procedure to study our field is to model it based on the Petrophysical Parameters and reservoir characteristics, To make an oil reserve estimate we used the material balance method. The method of analysis curves of decline using Mbal software allows to give a previous production of each well and field until the year 2028. Our attention is attracted by an important chute in production with an evolution of water-cut , For that we propose the gas lift as a solution , The global goal of this study consists identify candidate wells , Then make an optimisation of the parameters Gas Lift injection and design of retained wells.en_US
dc.subject, Mbalen_US
dc.subjectCurves Of Declineen_US
dc.titleElaboration d’un projet de développement du champ Ouan Tarederten_US
Appears in Collections:Département de production des hydrocarbures- Master

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