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dc.contributor.advisorChetti Djamel Eddine-
dc.contributor.authorBenboulaid Moustafa-
dc.contributor.authorHocine Mohamed Youcef-
dc.descriptionUniversité Kasdi Merbah Ouargla Faculté des hydrocarbures, des énergies renouvelables et des sciences de la terre et de l’univers Département de production des hydrocarbures MEMOIRE Pour obtenir le Diplôme de Master Option: Productionen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Hassi Dzabat oil field (HDZ) is one of the peripheral zones of the Hassi Messaoud field with reserves in place estimated at 56 million m3. 18 wells have been drilled to exploit these hydrocarbons of which four (04) wells are currently open and the others are closed or have not been put into production because of their low pressure. In order to exploit the HCs of this deposit, a series of actions must be carried out to create a new surface facility that will allow one hand to operate closed wells at low pressure and secondly to increase the potential. wells that are already open for the ultimate goal of improving production, among these steps:  Revision of the collection network architecture in order to eliminate the junction connection and thus avoid the braking of the flows between the wells.  The installation of new collectors.  Installation of an optimal pressure separator and pumps to route fluids to the south center. In order to identify the optimal operating conditions and to increase the total production, an optimization study is carried out to define the minimal possible pressure losses in the new production system of the HDZ field.en_US
dc.subjectoil fielden_US
dc.subject, productionen_US
dc.subjectsurface installationen_US
dc.titleModélisation et optimisation du système de production cas du champ de Hassi Dzabaten_US
Appears in Collections:Département de production des hydrocarbures- Master

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