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dc.contributor.advisorZERROUKI, ALI AHMED-
dc.contributor.authorDokkar, Adel-
dc.contributor.authorLitim, Safia-
dc.descriptionREPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE DEMOCRATIQUE ET POPULAIRE Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique UNIVERSITE KASDI MERBAH OUARGLA Faculté des Hydrocarbures, des Energies Renouvelable, des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers Département de Production des Hydrocarbures Mémoire de fin d’étude En vue de l’obtention du diplôme Master Spécialité : Production professionnelleen_US
dc.description.abstractThe profitability of a reservoir's investment is related to the longevity of its wells and the importance of the production that will be withdrawn through them and which is in direct function with the characteristics of the reservoir as well as the type of the selected completion. The interpretation of Quartzite Hamra well DST tests is an indispensable tool to know the state of the wells and the very little known reservoir by the determination of the dynamic characteristics of their own. A DST test provides a method of temporarily supplementing a well to determine the production characteristics of a specific area. As originally conceived, a DST trial primarily provides an indication of the content of the training. The analysis of the build-up data in a well-planned and softwareexecuted DST "SAPHIR of KAPPA" can provide good data to help evaluate the production problems in some wells, an estimation of the parameters of the reservoir, the productivity of the area, the completion of wells, the degree of damage (skin) of the formation and perhaps the need for stimulation.en_US
dc.subjectbuild upen_US
dc.subject"SAPHIR of KAPPAen_US
dc.subjectreservoir‘s parametersen_US
dc.subjectproductivity’s zoneen_US
dc.subjectQuartzite Hamraen_US
dc.titleInterprétation des DST de Quartzite Hamra de la région de Rhourde Noussen_US
Appears in Collections:Département de production des hydrocarbures- Master

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