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dc.contributor.authorذكار, صفية-
dc.descriptionتسويق الخدماتen_US
dc.description.abstract،تتعدد العوامل المؤثرة على القرار النهائي للمستهلك كما تختلف تلك العوامل من فرد الآخر باختلاف المتغيرات المحيطة لذا تطرقنا في دراستنا للعوامل التي تعتبر محددة لسلوك المستهلك لذلك ترقنا لمتغير من هذه المتغيرات وهو صورة المؤسسة في القرار الشرائي أي أبعاد الصورة و ابعاد الفرار الشرائي وقد تم تطبيق الدراسة على مؤسسة البنك الوطني و مدى تركيز هذه الاخيرة على تحسين صورتها و الاعتماد على الصورة كاستراتيجية لتحديد توجه المستهلكen_US
dc.description.abstractTherefore, our study is a research about those factors, which are considered as the determinants of the consumer behavior. However, this study focuses on one of these factors. The objective is summarized in how the enterprise image affects the purchasing decision of the Algerian consumer; especially it focuses on the relationship between the image dimensions and decision dimensions. The study was applied through a field study of a variety of agencies belong to the Algerian National Bank which is one of the active enterprises in Algerian market, since long time and also it is easy to notice the effect of its image on the consumer . In the field study, we have accredited on the survey document that was directed to the consumers of the bank products to observe how strong the relationship between the image the purchasing decision is. As a result of this study, there is a relationship of affection and link between the image and the decision. This result should make the responsible know the required of focusing on the image as a strategy to influence the consumer decisions. The recommendation addressed to the enterprise about the image components which we noticed lack in it “It is necessary to work to improve it like the symbol of the Bank, which is the most important elements of the image.dPurchasingec-
dc.subjectالقرا ر الشرائيen_US
dc.subjectصورة المؤسسةen_US
dc.subjectBrand imageen_US
dc.titleصورة المؤسسة و أثرها على القرار الشرائي للمستهلك النهائي دراسة لمجموعة من وكلات البنك الوطني الجزائري بمنطقة ورقلةen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences commerciales - Master

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