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Title: Determinants of Taxation in Algeria
Other Titles: An Econometric Study for the Period (2004-2022)
Authors: Ouarda FEKRACHE
Ahcen RAKI
Keywords: Tax
Determinants of Taxation
Macroeconomic Variables
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2024
Series/Report no.: Number 10 /2024;
Abstract: In this study, we analyze the impact of macroeconomic variables on direct tax revenues in Algeria, which are considered determinants of taxation, using data, we study empirically during the period 2004-2022.Each of the effects of six variables are GDP, public spending, unemployment rates, savings, investment and inflation rates using multiple regression rates method, Calculation of explanatory variables and dummy variable. In conclusion, the analysis confirmed in first model that the strongest correlation is between direct tax revenues and direct investments and unemployment rate, and there is a negative correlation between GDP and direct tax, this explains that the development in GDP is in sectors that do not produce direct tax base, which is the hydrocarbon sector, which means that Algeria is still in the stage of dependence on this sector. The study also found that taxes are influenced by economic factors to varying degrees
Description: Journal of Quantitative Economics Studies
ISSN: 2602-5183
Appears in Collections:Number 10 /2024

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