Number 07 Dec 2017 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Feb-2018La dynamique des prix en Algérie ; une analyse par la théorie budgétaire de détermination des prixWarda Mezhoud; Mohamed Achouche
11-Feb-2018Relations interentreprises et formation de réseau inter-organisationnel: Quelle réalité pour les entreprises algériennes ? Cas des entreprises de la Zone d’Activité de Taharacht-Akbou- BejaiaRafik AZZI; Abderrahmane ABEDOU
11-Feb-2018The effectiveness of good governance policies in reducing corruption in Algeriaعبد الرزاق مولاي لخضر; بوزيد السايح
11-Feb-2018The role of innovation in the development of competitive advantage A field study in the civil engineering company Touggourtالصادق لشهب; أحمد بوريش; هتهات الشيخ
11-Feb-2018The impact of oil price volatility on economic development in Algeriaعبد الرزاق مدوري; بلقاسم زايري
11-Feb-2018Towards the application of accounting from an Islamic perspective to improve the quality of financial reportsفوزية براهمي
11-Feb-2018Entrepreneurship as a strategy for economic diversification- Case study Saudi Arabiaالسعيد بوشول; نذير غانية; سعاد جرمون
11-Feb-2018Diagnose the reality of the requirements of the application of knowledge management in the Regional Directorate of algerietelecom Ouarglaرشيد مناصرية; عبد الحق بن تفات
11-Feb-2018The evaluation of the extent of the commitment of the Algerian banking system by applying the principles of corporate governance issued by the Basel Committeeمريم هاني
11-Feb-2018The Impact of Social Marketing application on the Algerian Consumer Attitudes - A Field Comparative study on Telecom Operators in Algeria "mobilis & Ooredoo"-فاتح مجاهدي; سليمة مخلوف; كوثر حاج نعاس
11-Feb-2018the output of the Higher Education and Scientific Research sector and The Thiers development reflections in Algeria between effectiveness and stagnationوفاء تنقوت; أحمد سلامي
11-Feb-2018The relationship of the efficiency of the stock market with accounting information in the light of corporate governanceخيرة الداوي; بولرباح غريب
11-Feb-2018Evaluation of foreign direct investment in Arab countries through international and regional indicators - The case of Saudi Arabia –أحمد نصير; محمد البشير بن عمر
11-Feb-2018Information content of the report of the governor accounts in Algeria;Exploratory studyعبد الرحمان بابنات; ناصر دادي عدون
11-Feb-2018Analysis Of banking Solidarity Indicators In Algeria The Case Of The Bank "Cpa / AGB"عباس بوهريرة; عبد اللطيف مصيطفى
11-Feb-2018Use time series models to predict oil prices - Case Study of Algeria Oil Prices -بغداد بنين; عمر موساوي
11-Feb-2018The impact of monetary and fiscal policy on economic growth in Algeria for the period 1990-2014وليد بشيشي; سليم مجلخ
11-Feb-2018The Problem of Evaluating the Support Bodies and Entrepreneurship Accompaniment in Algeria - An Analytical Studyمحمد قوجيل
11-Feb-2018The reality of electronic marketing in the telecommunications sector in Algeriaحنان بن بردي; العربي عطية
11-Feb-2018Proposed models for financing of Small and medium enterprises by Islamic Investment Management Companiesسليم جابو; نوال بن عمارة
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22